
Study on Grain Dehydration Rate and Correlation Analysis of Major Related Characters in Different Maize Inbred Lines
Guangzhou Chen,Guangfu Wang,Jianzhou Qu,Leiyong Si,Yan Jin,Shutu Xu,Jiquan Xue,Haidong Lu
表5 子粒脱水速率与其他性状的相关系数
Table 5 Correlation analysis of grain dehydration rate with other triats
性状Trait R 性状Trait R
苞叶层数(X1) Number of husk -0.744* 灌浆天数(X8) Filling days -0.761*
苞叶长度(X2) Length of husk -0.745* 粒长(X9) Grain length -0.635*
苞叶含水率(X3) Husk moisture content -0.632* 粒厚Grain thickness -0.096
苞叶脱水速率(X4) Husk dehydration rate 0.662* 粒宽(X10) Grain width -0.632*
穗长Ear length 0.109 百粒干重100-grain dry weight -0.517
穗粗(X5) Ear width -0.671* 子粒灌浆速率Grain filling rate 0.139
株高Plant height -0.324 收获期子粒含水率(X11) Grain moisture content at harvest -0.886**
穗位高Ear height -0.215 穗行数Rows per ear 0.157
叶面积(X6) Leaf area -0.795** 行粒数Grains per row -0.207
SPAD值(X7) SPAD value -0.633* 产量Yield -0.321