
Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Mapping and Three Resistance Traits Linkage Markers Selection in Potatoes
Weiwei Wang,Hongyang Wang,Jing Liu,Jingsi Liang,Canhui Li,Wei Tang
表2 马铃薯抗病毒病基因连锁标记
Table 2 Resistance gene linkage markers to potato virus
病毒Virus 抗性基因Resistance gene 来源Origin 染色体Chromosome 标记Mark
PVY Ryadg[48] S. andigena 11 RYSC3/SCAR
PVY Ryadg[48] S. andigena 11 RYSC4/SCAR
PVY Ryadg[49] S. andigena 11 ADG2/CAPs
PVY Ryadg[50] S. andigena 11 PYSC3/PCR based
PVY Rysto[51] S. stoloniferum 12 YES3-3A/STS
PVY Rysto[51] S. stoloniferum 12 YES3-3B/STS
PVY Rysto[51] S. stoloniferum 12 SCARYSTO4/PCR based
PVY Ry-fsto[52] S. stoloniferum 12 GP122718/CAPs
PVY Ry-fsto[53] S. stoloniferum 12 GP122564/CAPs
PVY Rychc[41] S. chacoense 9 Ry186/STS
PVY Rychc[54] S. chacoense 9 38-530/RAPD
PVY Nytbr (HR)[55] S. tuberosum 4 TG506/ RFLP
PVY Ny-1[56] S. tuberosum 9 Sldl1/CAPs
PVY Ny-1[57] S. tuberosum 9 SC8951139/PCR based
PVY Ny-2 (HR)[57] S. tuberosum 11 B11.6/CAPs
PLRV PLRV.1[58] S. chacoense 11 Nl271164/SCAR
PLRV PLRV.2[58] S. chacoense 4 GP76/SCAR
PLRV PLRV.3[58] S. chacoense 5 HM4-26/SCAR
PLRV PLRV.4[59] S. andigena 11 UB864600/SCAR
PLRV Rlretb[60] S. tuberosum 4、9 DMB32-11/CAPs
PLRV Rlretb[60] S. tuberosum 4、9 1367-8a/CAPs
PLRV Rlretb[60] S. tuberosum 4、9 C2-Atlg42990/CAPs
PLRV Rladg[61] S. andigena 5 E35M48.192/AFLP
PLRV Rladg[62] S. andigena 5 RGASC850/SCAR
PVA Naadg (HR)[63] S. andigena 11 GP21/AFLP
PVS Ns (HR)[53] S. andigena 8 SC811-260/CAPs
PVS Ns[64] S. tuberosum 8 CP16/CAPs
PVM Rm[65] S. megistacrolobum 11 GP283-320/CAPs
PVM Rm[65] S. megistacrolobum 11 GP250-510/CAPs
PVM Gm[65] S. gourlayi 9 SC878885/SCAR
PVX Rx[66] S. tuberosum 12 GP34/CAPs
PVX Rx1[67] S. andigena 12 RxSP/STS
PVX Rx1[68] S. andigena 12 CP60/RFLP
PVX Rx2[69] S. acaule 5 GP21/RFLP
PVX Nbtbr (HR)[63] S. tuberosum 5 CT167/RFLP
PVX Nb (HR)[63] S. tuberosum 5 SPUD237/CAPs
PVX Nxphu (HR)[70] S. tuberosum 9 TG424/RELP