
Effects of Soil Tillage and Fertilization on Root Microstructure and Yield in Maize
Shaoyun Zhang,Xiangling Li,Pan Liu,Yue Zhang,Dashuai Zhai,Baozhong Yin
图1 不同时期夏玉米根系微观结构(中柱)
Fig.1 Root microstructure (stele) of summer maize at different stages
A. No-tillage seeding, B. Subsoiling and applying fertilizer, C. Subsoiling and layer fertilizer (N fertilizer on the upper layer), D. Subsoiling and layer fertilizer (slow-controlled release in N fertilizer on the upper layer); 0. Seedling stage, 1. Jointing stage, 2. Tasseling stage, 3. Filling stage; a. Vessel, b. Pulp cavity, c. Stele