黄淮南片麦区新育成品种(系)中3个矮秆基因分子标记检测及其与农艺性状的关系 |
曹廷杰,张玉娥,胡卫国,杨剑,赵虹,王西成,周艳杰,赵群友,李会群 |
Detection of Three Dwarfing Genes in the New Wheat Cultivars (Lines) Developed in South Huang-Huai Valley and Its Association with Agronomic Traits |
Tingjie Cao,Yu’e Zhang,Weiguo Hu,Jian Yang,Hong Zhao,Xicheng Wang,Yanjie Zhou,Qunyou Zhao,Huiqun Li |
图4 4个农艺性状的散点矩阵图 柱状图表示4个性状的频率分布;左下角元件显示两两性状间的二维散点图(直线拟合线),右上角表示两两性状间的相关系数和显著性(“*” P<0.05) |
Fig.4 Scatter plot matrix of 4 agronomic traits Histogram represents the frequency distribution of 4 traits; Lower left quarter plot elements display the pairwise two-dimensional scatter plot (the straight fitting line); Upper right corner display the pairwise correlation coefficient ("*" P<0.05) |