吕伟生, 肖小军, 黄天宝, 肖国滨, 李亚贞, 肖富良, 韩德鹏, 郑伟

Application Effect of Slow-Released Formulated Fertilizer on Oilseed Rape (Brassica napus L.) under Late Sowing Rice
Lü Weisheng, Xiao Xiaojun, Huang Tianbao, Xiao Guobin, Li Yazhen, Xiao Fuliang, Han Depeng, Zheng Wei
图2 缓释型配方肥用量对油菜籽粒产量的影响
**: P < 0.01
Fig.2 Effects of application rate of the slow-released formula fertilizer on seed yield of oilseed rape