菅立群, 张翼飞, 杨克军, 王玉凤, 陈天宇, 张继卫, 张津松, 李庆, 刘天昊, 肖珊珊, 彭程, 王宝生

Effects of Low Temperature under Different Phases between Sowing and Seedling Periods on Growth and Physiological Resistance of Maize Seedlings
Jian Liqun, Zhang Yifei, Yang Kejun, Wang Yufeng, Chen Tianyu, Zhang Jiwei, Zhang Jinsong, Li Qing, Liu Tianhao, Xiao Shanshan, Peng Cheng, Wang Baosheng
图3 各阶段不同低温持续时间对玉米成苗率的影响
Fig.3 Effects of different low temperature durations at different stages on seedling survival rate of maize