梁茜, 吴清山, 葛均筑, 吴锡冬, 杨永安, 侯海鹏, 张垚, 马志琪

Effects of Sowing Date on Rain-Fed Summer Maize Yield Formation and Resource Utilization in North China Plain
Liang Qian, Wu Qingshan, Ge Junzhu, Wu Xidong, Yang Yong’an, Hou Haipeng, Zhang Yao, Ma Zhiqi
表5 雨养夏玉米产量及其构成因素与不同生育时期气候资源的相关性分析
Table 5 Correlation analysis between rain-fed summer maize yield and yield components, and climatic resources in different growth periods
生育期Growth stage 指标Index 最高温Tmax 最低温Tmin 积温量GDD 光辐射量SR 降雨量Rf
出苗-吐丝期E-S 产量Grain yield 0.375 -0.090 -0.245 0.207 -0.365
穗数Ear number
穗粒数Grains per ear 0.164 -0.480 -0.254 0.456 -0.471
千粒重1000-grain weight 0.356 0.865** 0.076 -0.613 0.461
吐丝-成熟期S-M 产量Grain yield 0.493 0.506 0.486 0.337 0.264
穗数Ear number
穗粒数Grains per ear 0.734* 0.744* 0.779** 0.667* 0.436
千粒重1000-grain weight -0.707* -0.708 -0.648* -0.525 -0.354
全生育期E-M 产量Grain yield 0.516 0.552 0.452 0.514 -0.137
穗数Ear number
穗粒数Grains per ear 0.739* 0.759* 0.764* 0.781** -0.031
千粒重1000-grain weight -0.689* -0.675* -0.672* -0.713* 0.141