梁茜1,2(), 吴清山1, 葛均筑1(), 吴锡冬1, 杨永安3, 侯海鹏4, 张垚1, 马志琪1
Effects of Sowing Date on Rain-Fed Summer Maize Yield Formation and Resource Utilization in North China Plain
Liang Qian1,2(), Wu Qingshan1, Ge Junzhu1(), Wu Xidong1, Yang Yong’an3, Hou Haipeng4, Zhang Yao1, Ma Zhiqi1

图2. 播期对雨养夏玉米产量的影响

Fig.2. Effects of sowing date on yield of rain-fed summer maize
Different letters indicate significant difference (P<0.05), the same below