庞星月, 万林, 李素, 王宇航, 刘晨, 肖晓璐, 李心昊, 马霓

Effects of Exogenous SLs and Nano-K2MoO4 on Seed Germination of Brassica napus L. under Drought Stress
Pang Xingyue, Wan Lin, Li Su, Wang Yuhang, Liu Chen, Xiao Xiaolu, Li Xinhao, Ma Ni
图1 干旱和SLs、n-K2MoO4处理对油菜叶片SOD和POD活性的影响
Fig.1 Effects of drought and SLs, n-K2MoO4 on the SOD and POD activities of oilseed rape leaves
Different letters mean significant difference among treatments at the 5% level, the same below。。