姜玉松, 李洪雷, 李哲馨, 徐晓玉, 李隆云, 黄孟军

Identification and Expression Analysis of the ZoWRKY Family in Stress Responses Based on Transcriptome Data of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe)
Jiang Yusong, Li Honglei, Li Zhexin, Xu Xiaoyu, Li Longyun, Huang Mengjun
图4 ZoWRKY基因对逆境的响应分析
(a) ZoWRKY基因对土壤湿度的响应。(b) ZoWRKY基因对青枯菌侵染的响应。LUN:低土壤湿度(WFPS:10%),HUN:高土壤湿度(WFPS:40%),HI:高土壤湿度(WFPS:40%)且感染青枯菌;根据每个ZoWRKY基因的表达水平分组计算log2FC,通过edgeR对2组样本间的差异基因进行识别,阈值为log2FC≥1和FDR < 0.05;色阶标尺从左-1.0到右1.0逐渐增大;右侧红色箭头表示上调表达,绿色箭头表示下调表达
Fig.4 Expression analysis of ZoWRKY gene under stress conditions
(a) Gene ZoWRKY responses to soil moistures. (b) Gene ZoWRKY responses to infection of R. solanacearum. LUN: low soil moisture (WFPS: 10%); HUN: high soil moisture (WFPS: 40%); HI: high soil moisture (WFPS: 40%) and infection of R. solanacearum; log2FC value was calculated pairwise based on the expression level for each ZoWRKY gene, DEGs were identified between each two groups by edgeR with thresholds of log2FC ≥1 and FDR < 0.05; color scale increases from left to right with values -1.0 to 1.0; red arrow indicates up-regulated expression, green arrow indicates down-regulated expression