吕宝莲, 杨宇昕, 崔立操, 史峰, 马亮, 孔秀英, 张立超, 倪志勇

Identification of bHLH Family Transcription Factors of Wheat and Expression Analysis under Salt Stress
Lü Baolian, Yang Yuxin, Cui Licao, Shi Feng, Ma Liang, Kong Xiuying, Zhang Lichao, Ni Zhiyong
图2 差异表达基因的GO分析
圆点位置代表代谢途径;圆点大小代表基因的数量;Rich factor为该代谢路径下差异基因数目与所有注释到该路径基因数目的比值,数值越大表示富集程度越大。下同。
Fig.2 GO analysis of differentially expressed genes
The dots represent metabolic pathways; The size of the dot represents the number of genes; Rich factor is the ratio of the number of differential genes in this metabolic pathway to the number of genes annotated to this pathway, and the higher values indicate a higher degree of enrichment. The same below.