徐哲莉, 朱伟旗, 王立涛, 史峰, 韦志英, 王丽娜, 邱红伟, 张晓英, 李辉利

Effects of Irrigation and Foliar Nitrogen Application on Yield, Quality and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Late Sowing Wheat
Xu Zheli, Zhu Weiqi, Wang Litao, Shi Feng, Wei Zhiying, Wang Lina, Qiu Hongwei, Zhang Xiaoying, Li Huili
图2 灌水及叶面施氮对小麦产量及其构成因素的影响
Fig.2 Effects of irrigation and foliar nitrogen application on wheat yield and its components
Different lowercase letters mean significant difference among treatments at the 0.05 level. The same below.