谢晋, 李谨成, 梁增发, 黄浩, 张玺, 高仁吉, 金保锋, 曾繁东, 卢志伟, 蔡一霞, 王维

Effects of Ridging Height and Ratio of Organic Fertilizer on Root Growth and Quality of Upper Tobacco Leaves
Xie Jin, Li Jincheng, Liang Zengfa, Huang Hao, Zhang Xi, Gao Renji, Jin Baofeng, Zeng Fandong, Lu Zhiwei, Cai Yixia, Wang Wei
图1 起垄高度与有机肥比例对植烟土壤温度的影响
Fig.1 Effects of ridging height and ratio of organic fertilizer on soil temperature of tobacco
“*”shows significant difference at the 0.05 level;“**”shows significant difference at the 0.01 level;“ns”shows no significant difference. The same below.