张志肖, 沈颖超, 范保杰, 王彦, 刘长友, 王珅, 曹志敏, 苏秋竹, 时会影, 田静

Germplasm Creation and New Variety Breeding for Fusarium Wilt Resistance in Mung Bean
Zhang Zhixiao, Shen Yingchao, Fan Baojie, Wang Yan, Liu Changyou, Wang Shen, Cao Zhimin, Su Qiuzhu, Shi Huiying, Tian Jing
图1 绿豆新品系抗病和感病材料接种尖镰孢菌14 d后表型
Fig.1 Phenotypes after 14 days of inoculation of disease-resistant and disease-susceptible materials of new strains of mung bean with F.oxysporum