胡昊驰, 王富贵, 朱孔艳, 胡树平, 王猛, 王志刚, 孙继颖, 于晓芳, 包海柱, 高聚林

Effects of Straw Returning Years and Phosphorus Application on Root Growth and Yield of Maize
Hu Haochi, Wang Fugui, Zhu Kongyan, Hu Shuping, Wang Meng, Wang Zhigang, Sun Jiying, Yu Xiaofang, Bao Haizhu, Gao Julin
图1 秸秆还田年限和磷处理对根系干重和磷素积累量的影响
“*”和“**”分别表示相同磷水平下不同秸秆还田年限间的差异达显著(P < 0.05)和极显著(P < 0.01)水平,下同。
Fig.1 Effects of straw returning years and phosphorus treatments on root dry weight and phosphorus accumulation
“*”and“**”indicate significant (P < 0.05) and extremely significant (P < 0.01) differences between straw returning years at the same phosphorus level, the same below.