宋慧, 王涛, 邢璐, 刘俊芳, 张扬, 刘金荣, 陈红旗, 冯佰利

Transcriptome Analysis of Different Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica L.) Varieties Treated with Imazapic Herbicide
Song Hui, Wang Tao, Xing Lu, Liu Junfang, Zhang Yang, Liu Jinrong, Chen Hongqi, Feng Baili
图4 支链氨基酸合成相关差异表达基因热图分析
条形图表示热图中每个基因表达水平(log2 TPM)。基因的表达水平用不同的颜色表示。红色表示高表达,蓝色表示低表达。
Fig.4 Heatmap analysis of DEGs related to branched chain amino acid synthesis
The bar represents the scale of each gene's expression levels (log2 TPM) in the heat map. The expression level of the genes is denoted using different colours. Red denotes high expression while blue denotes low expression.