夏玉兰, 王德勋, 赵园园, 范志勇, 李娟, 王阁, 赵志豪, 史宏志

Effects of Potassium Fertilizer Dosage and Topdressing Period on Chemical Composition, Yield and Quality of Leaves ofBlack Shank-Resistant Tobacco Honghuadajinyuan
Xia Yulan, Wang Dexun, Zhao Yuanyuan, Fan Zhiyong, Li Juan, Wang Ge, Zhao Zhihao, Shi Hongzhi
表6 不同钾肥用量和追肥时期对烤烟中部叶常规化学成分的影响
Table 6 Effects of different potassium fertilizer dosages and topdressing periods on conventional chemical composition of middle leaves of flue-cured tobacco
Nicotine (%)
Reducing sugar (%)
Total sugar (%)
Total nitrogen (%)

Potassium (%)

Chlorine (%)
Potassium-chloride ratio
A1B1 2.05ef 28.60b 39.80ab 1.66ef 1.95cd 0.21cd 9.29c
A1B2 1.98f 30.60a 40.30a 1.64f 2.17a 0.19e 11.42a
A1B3 2.30bc 24.60f 36.60c 1.95a 2.01bc 0.20de 10.05b
A2B1 2.23cd 28.10bc 39.10ab 1.77cd 1.84e 0.23b 8.00e
A2B2 2.07e 29.30b 39.90ab 1.73de 2.12a 0.21cd 10.10b
A2B3 2.36ab 27.00cd 38.80ab 1.78cd 2.00bc 0.22bc 9.09c
A3B1 2.25cd 26.10de 38.30bc 1.82bc 1.88de 0.25a 7.52f
A3B2 2.21d 28.20bc 38.90ab 1.74cde 2.08ab 0.22bc 9.45c
A3B3 2.38a 25.50ef 36.50c 1.89ab 1.97cd 0.23b 8.57d
F(A) 112.55** 33.95** 11.58** 14.34** 11.80** 91.20** 261.34**
F(B) 263.96** 164.30** 35.80** 85.60** 124.76** 44.40** 349.39**
F(A×B) 12.62** 21.00** 4.91** 24.58** 2.57 1.2 1.95