吴永兵, 袁华恩, 张瑛, 陈泳纬, 阳苇丽, 何正川, 赵铭钦

Dynamic Changes in Root Tissue Structure and Root and Above-Ground Growth of Cigar Tobacco at Different Ridge Heights
Wu Yongbing, Yuan Huaen, Zhang Ying, Chen Yongwei, Yang Weili, He Zhengchuan, Zhao Mingqin
表4 不同垄高地上部生长动态变化
Table 4 Dynamic changes in the upper growth at different ridge heights
移栽后天数Days after transplanting
40 d 50 d 60 d 70 d 80 d
株高Plant height (cm) HR 73.51b 125.59c 152.78a 173.57a 179.21a
MR 84.62a 138.99a 152.73a 164.82b 172.99b
SR 67.21c 133.48b 157.35a 166.45b 173.09b
茎围Stem girth (cm) HR 6.09c 7.21a 7.81a 8.23a 8.31a
MR 6.72a 7.09b 7.53b 8.29a 8.21b
SR 6.47b 7.11b 7.59b 7.92b 8.25b
茎鲜重(g/株)Stem fresh weight (g/plant) HR 285.21b 457.89a 521.35a 559.65a 543.82a
MR 303.33a 454.36a 499.44b 563.12a 524.63b
SR 298.97a 431.07b 509.97b 539.89b 530.17b
茎干重(g/株)Stem dry weight (g/plant) HR 15.21b 35.54b 105.21a 122.64b 146.78a
MR 25.05a 39.55a 92.81b 129.44a 141.91a
SR 28.45a 38.45a 81.92c 118.48b 122.84b
叶鲜重(g/株)Leaves fresh weight (g/plant) HR 372.82a 477.01b 552.20a 563.37a 546.95a
MR 376.21a 501.53a 530.18c 558.04b 539.98b
SR 366.95b 493.75a 542.64b 549.81c 522.14c
叶干重(g/株)Leaves dry weight (g/plant) HR 31.03b 58.15a 108.71a 122.24a 128.21a
MR 34.42b 54.72b 96.64b 124.84a 127.53a
SR 38.83a 59.47a 85.39c 101.63b 116.18b