罗元凯, 李染秋, 李宜蒙, 唐维, 刘亚菊

Effects of Planting Density and EBR Concentration on the Yield and Quality of Sweet Potato
Luo Yuankai, Li Ranqiu, Li Yimeng, Tang Wei, Liu Yaju
表1 甘薯栽插密度和EBR浓度的裂区设计
Table 1 Split zone design of sweet potato planting density and EBR application concentration
EBR concentration (mg/L)
Density (plant/hm2)
B1D1 0.00 37 500
B2D1 0.02 37 500
B3D1 0.10 37 500
B4D1 0.50 37 500
B1D2 0.00 52 500
B2D2 0.02 52 500
B3D2 0.10 52 500
B4D2 0.50 52 500
B1D3 0.00 67 500
B2D3 0.02 67 500
B3D3 0.10 67 500
B4D3 0.50 67 500