罗元凯, 李染秋, 李宜蒙, 唐维, 刘亚菊

Effects of Planting Density and EBR Concentration on the Yield and Quality of Sweet Potato
Luo Yuankai, Li Ranqiu, Li Yimeng, Tang Wei, Liu Yaju
表5 密度和EBR对甘薯各项指标的相关性分析
Table 5 Correlation analysis of density and EBR on various indicators of sweet potato
指标Index B D
X1 -0.192 0.778**
X2 -0.123 0.272
X3 -0.259 -0.368
X4 -0.314 0.071
X5 -0.560 0.302
X6 -0.747** -0.181
X7 -0.595* 0.326
X8 -0.172 -0.681*
X9 -0.445 0.113
X10 0.200 0.396
X11 0.135 -0.281
X12 -0.393 -0.350
X13 -0.340 0.513