罗元凯, 李染秋, 李宜蒙, 唐维, 刘亚菊

Effects of Planting Density and EBR Concentration on the Yield and Quality of Sweet Potato
Luo Yuankai, Li Ranqiu, Li Yimeng, Tang Wei, Liu Yaju
表6 甘薯产量、品质和光合特性的相关性
Table 6 Correlation between yield, quality and photosynthetic characteristics of sweet potato
处理Treatment X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X12 X13
X1 1.000
X2 0.358 1.000
X3 0.005 0.606* 1.000
X4 0.220 0.235 0.459 1.000
X5 0.379 0.683* 0.551 0.496 1.000
X6 -0.067 -0.211 -0.031 -0.167 0.257 1.000
X7 0.328 0.536 0.300 0.530 0.768** 0.181 1.000
X8 0.052 0.541 0.798** 0.335 0.461 0.086 0.304 1.000
X9 0.543 0.282 0.14 0.223 0.684* 0.280 0.555 -0.059 1.000