孙辉, 赵昌平, 岳洁茹, 白秀成, 杨吉芳, 叶志杰, 张风廷

Effects of Different Ecological Environments and Daily Temperature Difference on Fertility Alteration and Agronomic Traits in BS Type Photo-Thermal Sensitive Male Sterile Wheat Lines
Sun Hui, Zhao Changping, Yue Jieru, Bai Xiucheng, Yang Jifang, Ye Zhijie, Zhang Fengting
表2 北京顺义不育系的结实率
Table 2 Seed-setting rates of male sterile lines in Shunyi, Beijing %
年份Year 播种时期(月-日)Sowing date (month-day) BS102 BS107 BS135 BS185 BS278 京411 Jing 411
2018-2019 09-30 8.71e 9.07e 12.25e 15.11e 9.21e 100.91a
10-05 18.05d 15.22d 24.31d 18.88d 15.11d 100.93a
10-10 19.22c 17.13c 25.12c 40.03c 22.87c 100.99a
10-15 24.20b 27.47b 44.42b 40.25b 29.22b 101.05a
10-20 33.23a 35.88a 56.21a 53.32a 55.13a 101.03a
2019-2020 09-30 5.10e 7.86d 9.53e 12.90d 7.55d 99.69a
10-05 8.55d 10.74b 14.51d 13.48d 8.06d 98.83a
10-10 10.80c 11.36b 20.98c 30.41c 17.75c 100.02a
10-15 15.55b 18.86b 33.53b 32.90b 19.78b 100.30a
10-20 30.20a 33.04a 55.71a 50.44a 52.75a 101.95a