孙家猛, 高原, 陈虎, 花芹, 林泉祥, 陈庆全, 李金才, 张海涛

Phenotypic Analysis and Gene Mapping of Rice Mutant Chalkiness and Shrunken Endosperm-2
Sun Jiameng, Gao Yuan, Chen Hu, Hua Qin, Lin Quanxiang, Chen Qingquan, Li Jincai, Zhang Haitao
图4 CSE-2基因的精细定位
Fig.4 Fine mapping of CSE-2 gene
a-d: the numbers above and beneath the bold lines represent the molecular markers and recombinants, respectively, and the light blue arrow represent the candidate gene; e: the structure diagram of candidate gene CSE-2, the light blue box represent the exon, the blank part represent the intron, the red arrows represent the start codon, stop codon and mutation site, respectively, and the content in the black box represent the mutation; f: target gene reverse sequencing peak map, with mutated sites in the red line box; g: partial protein sequence alignment near the none-sense mutation site.