周琦, 吴芳, 王振龙, 徐志鹏, 邓超超, 施志国, 张靖, 宿翠翠, 余亚琳, 周彦芳

Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer and Biochar Application Rate Interaction on Growth and Root-Knot Nematode Disease of Greenhouse Tomatoes
Zhou Qi, Wu Fang, Wang Zhenlong, Xu Zhipeng, Deng Chaochao, Shi Zhiguo, Zhang Jing, Su Cuicui, Yu Yalin, Zhou Yanfang
表6 番茄生长、产量、品质、光合特性及根结线虫指标相关性分析
Table 6 Correlation analysis of tomato growth, yield and quality, photosynthetic characteristics and root-knot nematode indicators
指标Index SD LA SPAD Y L SS Vc Pn Gs Ci Tr PK NN
PH 0.502** 0.367 0.616** 0.526** 0.404* 0.486* 0.407* 0.469* 0.740** 0.576** 0.662** -0.692** -0.448*
SD 0.416* 0.365 0.345 0.384* 0.799** 0.484* 0.696** 0.446* 0.350 0.567** -0.533** -0.751**
LA 0.804** 0.908** 0.905** 0.797** 0.935** 0.750** 0.704** 0.435* 0.712** -0.572** -0.599**
SPAD 0.907** 0.745** 0.599** 0.798** 0.560** 0.717** 0.507** 0.727** -0.666** -0.410*
Y 0.906** 0.666** 0.916** 0.661** 0.755** 0.502** 0.738** -0.738** -0.535**
L 0.707** 0.927** 0.786** 0.704** 0.591** 0.660** -0.705** -0.692**
SS 0.806** 0.817** 0.667** 0.365 0.707** -0.643** -0.833**
Vc 0.797** 0.680** 0.387* 0.736** -0.734** -0.710**
Pn 0.669** 0.591** 0.711** -0.698** -0.845**
Gs 0.645** 0.700** -0.707** -0.582**
Ci 0.524** -0.559** -0.521**
Tr -0.758** -0.655**
RK 0.797**