李亚伟, 张磊, 刘天鹏, 何继红, 董孔军, 任瑞玉, 杨天育

Analysis and Evaluation of Agronomic and Economic Characteristics of Foxtail Millet in Northwest Ecological Region
Li Yawei, Zhang Lei, Liu Tianpeng, He Jihong, Dong Kongjun, Ren Ruiyu, Yang Tianyu
表5 供试谷子品种各指标权重及排序
Table 5 Weight and ranking of each index of tested foxtail millet varieties
指标Index 权重Weight 排序Rank
籽粒产量Grain yield 0.104 2
穗长Panicle length 0.045 11
穗粗Panicle width 0.086 5
穗重Panicle weight 0.062 8
穗粒重Grain weight of panicle 0.078 6
茎粗Stem width 0.102 3
株高Plant height 0.055 10
穗下节间长Stem length under panicle 0.060 9
穗码密度Panicle density 0.098 4
穗颈姿态Panicle neck posture 0.077 7
除草剂抗性Herbicide resistance 0.337 1