叶锈病不同危害等级下咖啡叶片的光合特征和抗逆性酶比较 |
付兴飞, 李亚麒, 喻好好, 李贵平, 毕晓菲, 李亚男, 胡发广, 邰杰 |
Comparison of Photosynthetic Characteristics and Resistant Enzymes in Coffee Leaves under Different Levels of Leaf Rust Damage |
Fu Xingfei, Li Yaqi, Yu Haohao, Li Guiping, Bi Xiaofei, Li Yanan, Hu Faguang, Tai Jie |
图8 咖啡叶片光合作用与抗逆性酶各指标的相关性分析 “*”表示达显著相关水平(P < 0.05)。 |
Fig.8 Correlation analysis between photosynthesis and various indicators of stress resistant enzymes in coffee leaves “*”indicates significant correlation at P < 0.05 level. |