孙远涛, 龙文靖, 刘天朋, 赵甘霖, 丁国祥, 向箭宇, 李元, 黄磊, 倪先林

Combining Ability and Correlation Analysis of Main Traits of 12 Glutinous Sorghum Parents
Sun Yuantao, Long Wenjing, Liu Tianpeng, Zhao Ganlin, Ding Guoxiang, Xiang Jianyu, Li Yuan, Huang Lei, Ni Xianlin
表1 主要农艺性状方差分析(F值)
Table 1 Variance analysis of main agronomic traits (F-value)
性状Trait 区组Block 组合Group 恢复系Restore line (P1) 不育系Sterile line (P2) P1×P2 误差Error
自由度Degree of freedom 2 35 5 5 25 70
产量Yield 663.6 11 995.0** 28064.4** 23 938.6** 5539.7** 1510.3
株高Plant height 58.5 1114.6** 111.8* 4922.6** 359.7** 26.0
穗柄长Peduncle length of panicle 149.4** 69.8** 292.5** 25.5 33.4** 5.6
穗长Panicle length 10.8 16.2** 28.6** 46.0** 7.1** 2.6
倒二叶面积The second leaf area 3432.7** 30 807.4** 42 155.5 17 491.7 31 354.2** 267.1
一级枝梗数The number of primary branches 87.1 505.3** 65.1* 1059.1* 473.2** 25.3
二级枝梗数The number of secondary branches 84.8 13 278.4** 10 257.2* 12 214.7* 13 872.3** 318.3
千粒重1000-grain weight (g) 7.2 17.7** 16.9* 43.5** 11.9** 3.9
淀粉含量Starch content 69.4 6.2 17.1** 6.0 4.2** 4.7
蛋白质含量Protein content 20.2 3.2 16.3 1.1** 1.1* 0.6
脂肪含量Fat content 0.0 0.5** 1.4** 1.8** 0.1 0.2
单宁含量Tannin content 0.5 1.1** 6.0** 1.4** 0.1* 0.1