胡聪聪, 李红宇, 孙显龙, 王童, 赵海成, 范名宇, 张巩亮
Effects of Straw Returning and Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Rice in Cold Region
Hu Congcong, Li Hongyu, Sun Xianlong, Wang Tong, Zhao Haicheng, Fan Mingyu, Zhang Gongliang
表3 秸秆还田与氮肥运筹对分蘖性状的影响
Table 3 Effects of straw returning and nitrogen application on tillering traits
处理 Treatment | 最高分蘖数(/穴) Maximum number of tillers (/hole) | 有效分蘖数(/穴) Number of effective tillers (/hole) | 分蘖成穗率 Percentage of tillering to head (%) | 增长速率 Growth rate (%) | 消亡速率 Death rate (%) | S1 | 17.36a | 15.54a | 67.92a | 53.63a | 13.14a | S2 | 17.28a | 15.40a | 67.39a | 52.89a | 14.11a | N1 | 17.16b | 14.85b | 66.49b | 52.03b | 16.27a | N2 | 17.67a | 16.19a | 70.10a | 55.24a | 11.66b | N3 | 17.24b | 15.55ab | 67.48ab | 52.89b | 12.91ab | N4 | 17.21b | 15.30b | 66.54b | 52.88b | 13.66ab | FS | 0.72 | 0.32 | 0.24 | 2.17 | 0.57 | FN | 5.49** | 5.02** | 2.45 | 7.75** | 2.36 | FS×N | 0.06 | 0.00 | 0.05 | 0.73 | 0.01 |