胡聪聪, 李红宇, 孙显龙, 王童, 赵海成, 范名宇, 张巩亮

Effects of Straw Returning and Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Photosynthetic Characteristics and Yield of Rice in Cold Region
Hu Congcong, Li Hongyu, Sun Xianlong, Wang Tong, Zhao Haicheng, Fan Mingyu, Zhang Gongliang
表7 Comparison of leaf area at full heading stage cm2/穴cm2/hole
Table 7
处理Treatment 剑叶Flag leaf 倒2叶Inverted second leaf 倒3叶Inverted third leaf 高效叶面积Efficient leaf area 总叶面积Total leaf area
S1 29.46a 42.35a 37.28a 109.10a 427.40a
S2 25.01b 37.15b 32.20b 94.36b 418.88a
N1 26.61a 38.46b 32.57b 97.64b 403.60a
N2 26.80a 38.71b 34.40ab 99.91b 411.48a
N3 28.24a 41.53a 36.57a 106.33a 450.36a
N4 27.31a 40.30ab 35.42a 103.02ab 427.13a
FS 50.33** 33.89** 31.90** 54.88** 0.25
FN 1.35 2.60 3.54* 3.62* 1.44
FS×N 0.07 0.09 0.17 0.12 0.06