Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 85-90.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.04.013

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Analysis of Yield, Quality Traits and TestingSite Discrimination of Fresh Waxy Corn in Northern China Based on GGE Biplot

Xie Wenjin(), Li Fangming, Li Ning, Yang Hailong, Fu Jun, Zhang Zhongwei, Gao Xudong, Feng Guang   

  1. Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Fengcheng118109, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2022-01-11 Revised:2022-04-06 Online:2023-08-15 Published:2023-08-15


In order to screen excellent waxy corn varieties and provide theoretical basis and reference for its planting and popularization in the representative ecological areas in the north, the yield and other characteristics and pilot discrimination of fresh waxy corn in the north were analyzed by GGE biplot. The results showed that Zhengbaitiannuo 9 and Tianguinuo 932 were excellent varieties with high yield, stable yield and wide adaptability, while Wannuo 188, Zhenzao 2019 and Jingkenuo 617 had better high yield and slightly worse stable yield. Functional diagram analysis of yield-quality traits showed that Wannuo 188, Tianguinuo 932, Jingkenuo 617 and Zhengbaitiannuo 9 were the varieties with excellent comprehensive performance. Screening out the pilot sites with strong discrimination and representativeness were Chifeng city and Shihezi city, which could select excellent varieties and eliminate unstable varieties.

Key words: Waxy corn, R language, GGE biplot, Regional test, Testing site discrimination

Table 1

Varieties and codes of fresh waxy corns in the north"

Variety name
Variety name
Variety name
G1 京科糯617 G7 珍早2019 G13 沈糯16号
G2 奥甜糯75 G8 珍珠糯18 G14 万糯188
G3 京科糯928 G9 吉糯50 G15 中硕糯921
G4 金糯1902 G10 郑白甜糯9号 G16 奥甜糯65
G5 吉农糯111 G11 连甜糯209 G17 京科糯569
G6 天贵糯932 G12 黑糯660

Table 2

Testing sites and codes of fresh waxy corns in the north"

site code
Testing site
site code
Testing site
E1 山西省屯留县 E6 吉林省长春市
E2 河北省承德市 E7 内蒙古呼和浩特市
E3 内蒙古赤峰市 E8 辽宁省沈阳市
E4 河北省张家口市 E9 新疆石河子市
E5 黑龙江省肇东市 E10 北京市


Average yields ofvarieties of waxy corn and testing sites"


GGE biplot for the “which won where” view"


GGE biplot of high and stable yield function of varieties"


GGE biplot for the ideal variety rank"


ysis diagram ofGGEbiplot experimental functionalmorphology (a) Functional plots of site discrimination and representative, (b) Functional diagram of the ideal environment ordering of the test sites"


ots of varieties and quality traits (a) and varieties and yield×quality traits (b) SRR: seed-coat residue rate; AC: amylose content; CS: coarse starch content; SQ: sensory quality; F: flavor; CL: colour and lustre; S: smell; WX: waxy; T: tenderness; ST: skin thickness; Y: yield, thesame below"


Functional diagram of variety× yield×quality characteristic stability"

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