Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 36-45.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.02.006

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Analysis of Agronomic Traits and Yield Stability of Sorghum Varieties Based on GGE Biplot

Xiao Jibing(), Liu Zhi(), Kong Fanxin, Xin Zongxu, Wu Hongsheng   

  1. Liaoning Institute of Agriculture & Forestry in Arid Areas, Chaoyang 122000, Liaoning, China
  • Received:2021-11-10 Revised:2021-11-30 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2023-04-11


In order to screen new sorghum varieties with high and stable yield and high adaptability, and promote the sustainable development of sorghum industry in the western Liaoning, the yield and agronomic traits of 30 sorghum cultivars were analyzed by GGE biplot in R language using a random incomplete block design (alpha- lattice design) with three replicates from 2019 to 2020. The analysis of variance showed that year, genotype, and interaction between genotype and year had significant effects on sorghum yield and related agronomic traits (P<0.05), and the proportion of the sum of squares of yield variation to the total sum of squares was 32.1%, 41.3% and 11.3%, respectively. Genotype had the greatest contribution to yield and related agronomic characteristics. The genotypic effects of plant height and spike length were higher. GGE biplot showed that Liaoza 19, Pingshi 13 and Jiliang 2 had better high and stable yield. Liaoza 19 and Pingshi 13 had better comprehensive traits in plant height, yield, spike weight and grain weight per spike. Liaoza 19 was the closest to the “ideal variety”, followed by Pingshi 13. Pearson correlation analysis showed that the grain yield of sorghum was positively correlated with plant height, spike weight, grain weight per spike and kernels number per spike (P<0.01). Based on the tested varieties, the high-stalk varieties had more yield advantages than the low-stalk varieties. Liaoza 19, Pingshi 13 and Jiliang 2 had better performance both in yield and its stability in Chaoyang area. In a specific ecological region, genotype was the main factor affecting the difference of yield and related agronomic traits.

Key words: GGE biplot, Sorghum, Yield, Agronomic trait, Stability

Table 1

Meteorological factors during sorghum growth"

Meteorological factor
2019 2020
降雨量Rainfall (mm) 24.6 53.8 85.8 59.4 17.4 241.0 56.2 35.2 67.0 154.5 69.1 382.0
≥10℃积温≥10℃ accumulated temperature (℃) 675.8 728.5 821.5 740.9 620.0 3586.7 570.4 753.3 802.9 775.0 564.2 3465.8
日照时数Sunshine hour (h) 319.3 351.4 359.3 321.2 275.8 1627.0 329.3 363.3 360.6 324.9 277.4 1655.5

Table 2

Code and name of the tested sorghums"

编号Code 名称Name 来源Origin 编号Code 名称Name 来源Origin
S1 辽杂19号 辽宁省农业科学院 S16 吉杂145 吉林省农业科学院
S2 辽杂37号 辽宁省农业科学院 S17 吉杂159 吉林省农业科学院
S3 辽粘3号 辽宁省农业科学院 S18 济粱1 山东省农业科学院
S4 白杂11号 吉林省白城市农业科学院 S19 济粱2 山东省农业科学院
S5 白杂12号 吉林省白城市农业科学院 S20 平试13 甘肃省平凉市农业科学研究所
S6 白杂13号 吉林省白城市农业科学院 S21 通杂108 通辽市农业科学院
S7 白杂14号 吉林省白城市农业科学院 S22 通杂127 通辽市农业科学院
S8 机糯粱1号 四川省农业科学院 S23 锦杂110 锦州市农业科学院
S9 吉杂124 吉林省农业科学院 S24 赤杂101 赤峰市农牧科学研究院
S10 吉杂127 吉林省农业科学院 S25 赤杂119 赤峰市农牧科学研究院
S11 吉杂136 吉林省农业科学院 S26 晋杂34号 山西省农业科学院
S12 吉杂137 吉林省农业科学院 S27 晋中0742 山西省农业科学院
S13 吉杂138 吉林省农业科学院 S28 辽夏粱2 辽宁省农业科学院
S14 吉杂140 吉林省农业科学院 S29 龙米粱1号 黑龙江省农业科学院
S15 吉杂142 吉林省农业科学院 S30 龙杂13 黑龙江省农业科学院

Table 3

Sorghum yield kg/hm2"

2019 2020 平均产量
Average yield
S1 8577.5±317.1 10 816.0±250.4 9696.8±216.7
S2 6398.0±320.5 6405.0±625.4 6401.5±472.5
S3 7375.0±329.4 7851.0±337.5 7613.0±323.7
S4 8540.7±343.2 9532.6±642.9 9036.6±215.5
S5 8576.6±524.7 10 238.5±750.9 9407.5±203.6
S6 4396.7±978.9 7203.6±449.6 5800.1±654.1
S7 6981.3±678.2 9465.9±680.5 8223.6±307.8
S8 6975.8±717.1 10116.2±397.8 8546.0±176.5
S9 6742.3±1331.4 10 271.9±1225.7 8507.1±1154.1
S10 7148.0±950.6 10 077.3±642.5 8612.6±629.0
S11 6797.8±215.0 9921.7±682.4 8359.7±233.8
S12 6948.0±888.2 10 866.6±744.7 8907.3±251.0
S13 6859.0±1774.3 10 333.0±1562.7 8596.0±1593.4
S14 5208.2±287.0 6008.6±610.9 5608.4±421.5
S15 8220.8±721.6 9871.6±437.4 9046.2±565.3
S16 8209.7±873.5 9449.2±1175.6 8829.4±837.9
S17 6853.5±508.8 7920.7±581.4 7387.1±369.4
S18 5408.2±1635.6 10 255.2±981.2 7831.7±1261.6
S19 8354.2±1595.7 11 172.3±356.5 9763.2±670.9
S20 8454.3±656.3 11 372.4±303.4 9913.3±478.4
S21 7787.2±350.2 10 510.8±855.9 9149.0±566.0
S22 7192.5±1017.3 8960.1±756.2 8076.3±574.6
S23 6080.8±915.2 6547.7±167.0 6314.3±532.3
S24 5686.2±953.7 7715.0±619.7 6700.6±375.1
S25 7112.9±414.8 8320.9±986.4 7716.9±460.3
S26 5801.0±960.5 7945.0±1374.8 6873.0±224.5
S27 7707.5±215.1 8069.5±120.4 7888.5±147.6
S28 4885.5±1622.2 10 266.2±1154.6 7575.9±1372.5
S29 4418.9±1632.9 7409.3±271.6 5914.1±710.6
S30 3924.0±1232.3 6464.3±520.5 5194.1±415.2
平均值Average 6787.4 9045.2 7916.3
变异系数CV (%) 19.70 17.49 16.56

Table 4

Agronomic traits of sorghum varieties in two years"

编号Code PD (plants/hm2) PH (cm) SL (cm) SWP (g) GWP (g) KPS TGW (g) GP (d)
S1 90 000 221.7±9.1 28.1±2.4 139.4±26.3 108.2±20.3 3857.0±58.2 28.0±3.0 105
S2 150 000 154.0±5.2 28.0±2.1 85.9±20.2 69.6±15.6 3077.4±634.4 22.6±2.5 101
S3 105 000 159.7±4.8 25.5±1.8 78.4±10.5 63.4±14.5 1927.1±146.9 32.9±2.7 112
S4 105 000 153.2±5.6 27.8±0.9 90.5±25.4 69.8±20.9 3415.9±162.0 20.4±4.1 98
S5 105 000 171.9±5.9 33.5±1.1 98.6±6.4 81.1±12.5 3487.8±137.8 23.2±1.9 101
S6 120 000 124.1±7.3 25.5±1.6 73.0±8.4 60.1±3.0 2607.0±124.8 23.0±2.5 107
S7 105 000 140.9±11.3 30.6±1.5 91.1±23.6 75.6±9.9 3566.3±105.3 21.2±2.2 92
S8 180 000 150.7±5.7 31.5±1.1 90.4±7.0 75.4±13.4 4901.1±219.7 15.4±0.8 104
S9 120 000 160.7±3.0 29.2±0.9 119.1±22.3 96.6±18.2 3820.2±246.5 25.3±0.9 99
S10 120 000 160.2±3.3 27.5±1.0 115.3±5.4 93.4±8.0 3639.5±140.3 25.7±4.7 101
S11 120 000 150.9±10.4 22.8±1.4 97.2±5.5 81.5±7.8 4217.9±19.2 19.3±1.9 98
S12 120 000 160.6±11.6 27.0±0.9 118.3±9.7 95.9±8.0 3683.9±31.8 26.0±1.4 101
S13 120 000 160.8±13.1 28.6±1.3 110.5±23.1 88.8±19.1 3851.4±222.6 23.1±1.2 97
S14 120 000 93.6±5.8 24.7±1.1 55.1±8.8 44.2±6.6 2290.3±131.4 19.3±2.9 89
S15 120 000 164.6±8.6 31.6±2.1 111.2±15.5 93.8±5.4 3948.6±117.1 23.8±2.2 104
S16 120 000 169.3±11.2 31.6±1.2 115.2±10.3 97.6±7.6 4209.7±34.0 23.2±2.4 104
S17 120 000 131.8±10.1 30.8±0.9 68.9±29.4 75.5±7.2 3530.1±295.8 21.4±0.8 95
S18 135 000 129.5±8.2 34.7±3.7 77.1±10.8 59.6±10.4 2194.5±94.4 27.2±1.9 108
S19 135 000 166.1±8.1 32.8±1.2 97.2±9.5 80.5±3.9 2984.1±189.8 27.0±0.7 101
S20 150 000 183.0±5.9 34.2±0.3 105.5±32.9 91.1±22.2 3197.6±102.0 28.5±4.5 103
S21 120 000 138.6±4.4 28.1±2.9 99.4±9.4 83.9±13.1 3578.9±41.2 23.4±2.8 100
S22 120 000 136.1±5.8 28.9±0.7 96.5±9.5 80.6±7.4 3286.2±49.0 24.5±1.5 98
S23 97 500 169.3±6.4 28.8±1.3 85.8±11.4 63.4±9.2 2538.7±65.7 25.0±2.7 103
S24 97 500 159.5±5.5 26.1±1.6 100.8±12.6 77.9±8.9 3111.8±106.0 25.0±1.1 97
S25 97 500 99.0±5.8 25.4±2.6 66.6±14.1 51.5±6.8 2524.0±165.7 20.4±0.9 101
S26 180 000 126.7±3.2 29.3±0.9 59.4±8.6 43.9±6.7 2582.4±75.7 17.0±1.2 112
S27 150 000 142.5±4.1 30.7±1.1 70.4±9.8 53.7±5.9 2509.3±542.3 21.4±1.3 108
S28 150 000 132.8±14.2 31.1±0.6 80.1±5.7 58.5±8.7 2142.1±80.1 27.3±2.6 93
S29 150 000 165.8±4.1 30.7±1.2 80.3±14.7 56.9±16.4 2671.2±318.8 21.3±0.7 101
S30 225 000 126.6±5.1 32.6±1.6 59.7±10.9 45.9±10.0 2038.0±225.7 22.5±1.2 93
平均值Average 150.1 29.2 91.2 73.9 3179.7 23.5 100.6
变异系数CV (%) 16.54 10.11 22.40 23.85 23.41 15.36 5.56

Table 5

Variance analysis of agronomic traits in sorghum varieties"

变异来源Source of variation
Total variation
PH 平方和 161.9 30.0 203.3 101 404.1 3160.9 4575.2 123 266.5
F 4.0 0.4 1.0 86.4 2.7
P 0.0479 0.6915 0.4186 0.0000 0.0001
占总变异比例 (%) 0.1 0.0 0.2 82.3 2.6
SL 平方和 47.4 9.7 22.3 2059.6 94.7 230.8 2658.1
F 23.2 2.4 2.2 34.8 1.6
P 0.0000 0.0984 0.0605 0.0000 0.0431
占总变异比例 (%) 1.8 0.4 0.8 77.5 3.6
SWP 平方和 11 137.6 6297.2 162.8 54 357.0 30 230.2 12 744.4 121 272.4
F 98.8 27.9 0.3 16.6 9.2
P 0.0000 0.0000 0.9184 0.0000 0.0000
占总变异比例 (%) 9.2 5.2 0.1 44.8 24.9
变异来源Source of variation
Total variation
GWP 平方和 7411.3 4052.8 219.3 43 768.5 22 383.7 9547.4 90 403.7
F 87.7 24.0 0.5 17.9 9.1
P 0.0000 0.0000 0.7614 0.0000 0.0000
占总变异比例 (%) 8.2 4.5 0.2 48.4 24.8
KPS 平方和 1 111 592.7 1 171 682.1 286 296.5 85 260 730.0 77 825 588.1 17 035 935.9 193 708 021.4
F 7.4 3.9 0.4 19.5 17.8
P 0.0077 0.0233 0.8617 0.0000 0.0000
占总变异比例 (%) 0.6 0.6 0.1 44.0 40.2
TGW 平方和 892.9 205.2 26.1 1334.8 907.2 463.4 3856.0
F 217.7 25.0 1.3 11.2 7.6
P 0.0000 0.0000 0.2810 0.0000 0.0000
占总变异比例 (%) 23.2 5.3 0.7 34.6 23.5
Y 平方和 220 023 244.8 2 845 744.5 5 114 880.6 283 334 355.5 77 296 430.0 81 878 279.1 686 295 650.4
F 303.7 2.0 1.4 13.5 3.7
P 0.0000 0.1451 0.2253 0.0000 0.0000
占总变异比例 (%) 32.1 0.4 0.7 41.3 11.3


Mean yield performance and stability of sorghum cultivars"


Relationships between the sorghum varieties and agronomic traits"


Comparisons of the tested sorghum varieties with the ideal cultivar (a) and agronomy traits with the ideal traits (b)"

Table 6

Correlation analysis of agronomic traits of sorghum varieties"

PH 1.000
SL 0.229 1.000
SWP 0.799** 0.041 1.000
GWP 0.733** 0.075 0.959** 1.000
PD -0.244 0.430* -0.424* -0.422* 1.000
KPS 0.454* 0.005 0.698** 0.776** -0.198 1.000
TGW 0.454* 0.125 0.394* 0.351 -0.312 -0.281 1.000
GP 0.284 0.091 0.059 0.012 0.023 -0.076 0.207 1.000
Y 0.555** 0.269 0.721** 0.756** -0.331 0.611** 0.269 0.166 1.000
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