Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 1-8.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.05.001

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Application Research Progress of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing in Crop Monitoring

Tian Ting(), Zhang Qing, Zhang Haidong   

  1. Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Taihu Area of Jiangsu, Suzhou 215155, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2020-01-20 Revised:2020-02-08 Online:2020-10-15 Published:2020-10-12


As a new platform of remote sensing, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is developing rapidly in recent years, while its application areas are expanding constantly. UAV remote sensing technology has been widely used in crop monitoring and has made breakthroughs in crop growth monitoring, crop nutrition diagnosis and yield estimation and so on. In this paper, the characteristics of UAV remote sensing technology, the selection of UAV platform, the types of sensors and the main applications in agriculture are reviewed in detail. Finally, the difficulties in the development of UAV were discussed, and the application of UAV remote sensing technology in crop monitoring was prospected.

Key words: Unmanned aerial vehicle, Remote sensing, Sensor, Crop monitoring, Inversion

Table 1

Advantages and disadvantages of UAV flight platform"

无人机Unmanned aerial vehicle 优势Advantage 劣势Disadvantage
固定翼UAV Fixed wing UAV
多旋翼UAV Multi-rotor UAV
飞行器结构简单,具有悬停能力,可使用GPS进行航线飞行,对起降要求较低 飞行速度慢,续航时间短,载荷小
与固定翼相比,具有起降场地要求小和可空中悬停的优势;与多旋翼相比,具有载重能力大和续航时间长的优势 机械结构复杂,维护成本高,在遥感监测中应用较少

Table 2

Model and application of high-definition camera"

品牌Brand 型号Model 参数Parameter 应用Application
尼康Nikon Nikon D800 3 615万像素,最大分辨率7 360×4 912 油菜苗期株数识别[7]
Nikon D7000 1 620万像素,最大分辨率4 928×3 264 冬小麦和夏玉米氮素营养状态[8]
Canon PowerShot G16
1 210万像素,最大分辨率4 000×3 000
Canon PowerShot SX260HS 1 210万像素,最大分辨率4 000×3 000 小麦叶绿素浓度[12]
Canon EOS 5D Mark II 2 110万像素,最大分辨率5 616×3 744 植被识别[13]
Canon EOS Kiss X5 1 800万像素,最大分辨率5 184×3 456 水稻开花穗数[14]
Canon IXUS 125HS 有效像素1 610万,最大分辨率4 608×3 456 农作物分类[15]
Canon S110 1 210万像素,最大分辨率4 000×3 000 提取玉米的垄数[16]
索尼Sony Sony DSC—RX1 有效像素2 430万,最大分辨率6 000×4 000 草地地上生物量估算[17]
Sony ILCE α5100L 有效像素2 430万,最大分辨率6 024×4 024 小麦植株密度[18]
Sony DSC-QX100
有效像素2 020万,最大分辨率5 472×3 648
理光Richo RicohGXR A12 有效像素1 230万,最大分辨率4 288×2 848 作物面积识别[22]
Ricoh GR Digital III/IV 有效像素1 000万,最大分辨率3 648×2 736 高粱地面覆盖,小麦倒伏[23]
大疆DJI 大疆X5相机 1 600万像素,最大分辨率4 608×3 456 叶绿素含量[24],产量[25],缺苗数[26]
Dajiang DJI 大疆禅思Zenmuse X3 1 240万像素,最大分辨率4 096×2 160 作物种类识别和面积测量[27]
松下Panasonic Panasonic DMC-LX5 有效像素1 010万,最大分辨率3 648×2 736 大麦水分胁迫[28]

Table 3

Model and application of multispectral camera"

Number of band
Name of band
Band (nm)
Resolution ratio
MicaSense RedEdge
5 475 1 280×960 大田玉米作物系数估算[29]
绿 560
近红外 840
红边 717
ADC-Lite 多光谱传感器

2 048×1 536
Mini-MCA 多光谱相机 5 450 1 280×1 024 冬小麦地上部生物量、氮素营养诊断[34,35]
绿 550
红边 720
近红外 800
mini-MCA-6多光谱相机 6 绿 530 1 280×1 024 玉米早期杂草制图[36]
红边 700
近红外 800
Airinov MultiSPEC 4C 相机 4 绿 550 120万 冬小麦估产[37]
红边 735
近红外 790
派诺特Parrot Sequoia多光谱相机 4 绿 550 1 280×960 玉米叶片叶绿素含量[38]
红边 735
近红外 790

Table 4

Model and application of hyperspectral imager"

Band range (nm)
Number of channels

Cubert UHD185 成像光谱仪



Dualix Spectral Imaging
400~1 000
1 440
Senop Rikola高光谱仪 500~900 380 马铃薯叶面积指数、叶绿素含量[46]
Specim SpecimImSpector V10 2/3” 450~900 / 马铃薯叶绿素含量和叶面积指数[47]

Table 5

Model and application of thermal imagingcamera"

品牌Brand 型号Model 参数Parameter 应用Application
菲力尔Flir Thermo Vision A40M 320×240像素,光谱范围为7.5~13μm 桃树水分胁迫水平检测[48]
FLIR TAU II 320 324×256像素 葡萄水分状况[49]
FLIR A65 640×512像素 油桃干旱监测[50]
Zenmuse XT 640×512像素,光谱范围为7.5~13.5μm 棉花水分胁迫[51]
B20HSV 320×240像素,绝对精度2℃ 苹果旱情监测[52]
Vue Pro640R 640×512像素 玉米冠层温度[53],土壤含水率[54]
索马泰克Thermoteknix MIRICLE 307 640×480像素,光谱范围为8~12μm 橄榄黄萎病诊断[55],植株冠层色素含量[56],果园旱情监测[57]
欧普士Optris PI 450 382×288像素,测量精度±2% 橄榄园冠层温度和旱情监测[28],玉米冠层温度[58]

Table 6

Model and application of LiDAR"

品牌Brand 型号Model 参数Parameter 应用Application
激光波速发散角0.5mrad,波长1 550nm,脉冲发射频率550kHz,激光脉冲长度3.0ns,扫描角±40° 玉米冠层高度[59],棉花叶面积指数[60],冬小麦生物量[61]
/ 激光波长903nm,激光扫描仪扫描角±30°,发散度3mrad,光斑直径18cm,脉冲发射频率21.7kHz 植被叶面积指数[62]
HDL-32E 激光波长903nm,32通道,2cm精度,139万点/s 植被物种识别,三维特征描述[63]
西克Sick / 最大4cm×4cm×4cm的地面扫描分辨率,1.95万点/s 植被叶面积指数[64]
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