Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 212-216.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.04.033

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Mechanization Cultivation Model of Ratoon Rice with Straw Incorporation in Double Rice Cropping Region in South of Yangtze River Valley

Zhang Jun1(), Deng Dasun2, Liu Jianjun3, Zhou Wenxi4, Huang Qianru5, Zhang Weijian1()   

  1. 1Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
    2Management Committee of Chongren County Modern Agriculture Demonstration Zone, Chongren 344200, Jiangxi, China
    3Soil Fertilizer Station of Chongren County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Chongren 344200, Jiangxi, China
    4Seed Administration Station of Chongren County Agricultural and Rural Bureau, Chongren 344200, Jiangxi, China
    5Jiangxi Institute of Red Soil, Jinxian 331717, Jiangxi, China
  • Received:2021-03-08 Revised:2021-04-09 Online:2021-08-15 Published:2021-08-13
  • Contact: Zhang Weijian;


Based on the investigation of rice production in Chongren county, Jiangxi province, we summarized the comprehensive benefits and key techniques of mechanization cultivation model of ratoon rice with straw incorporation. This cultivation model consists of japonica rice variety with high yield and good quality, high stubble harvest pattern with chopping and evenly spreading rice straw in first season, applications of shoot-promoting fertilizer and water-controlled irrigation at appropriate period and control of pests and weeds. This cultivation model promoted the retention of axillary buds in the lower nodes with full amount straw returning to the field, and solved the problems of the uneven growth process and grain maturity. Compared with conventional cultivation model, the new model increased the rice yield of first season and ratoon season by 12.7% and 55.8%, respectively, and annual net income by 6769.5yuan/ha. This model improves soil fertility, rice yield and grain quality while avoiding straw burning, which was a green, high yield and high efficiency "one sowing two harvesting" rice cropping model.

Key words: Hilly and plain in south of Yangtze River valley, Double rice cropping region, Ratoon rice, Straw incorporation, Mechanization cultivation model

Table 1

Yields and economic benefits of ratoon rice of conventional model and new model"

Rice season
Yield (kg/hm2)
Rice price (yuan/kg)
Output value (yuan/hm2)
Production cost (yuan/hm2)
Net income (yuan/hm2)
常规模式Conventional model
头季First season 8 299.5 2.62 21 744.0 17 295.0 4 449.0
再生季Ratoon season 2 064.0 3.20 6 604.5 2 445.0 4 159.5
全年Annual 10 363.5 28 348.5 19 740.0 8 608.5
新型模式New model
头季First season 9 355.5 2.62 24 511.5 17 100.0 7 411.5
再生季Ratoon season 3 216.0 3.20 10 291.5 2 325.0 7 966.5
全年Annual 12 571.5 34 803.0 19 425.0 15 378.0

Table 2

Production cost components of ratoon rice 元/hm2 yuan/hm2"

水稻季Rice season 种子Seed 化肥Fertilizer 农药Pesticide 机械作业Mechanical operation 土地租赁Landrent 用工Labor 其他Others
常规模式Conventional model
头季First season 2250.0 3000.0 1800.0 4500.0 3000.0 1995.0 750.0
再生季Ratoon season 0.0 450.0 225.0 525.0 0.0 1020.0 225.0
全年Annual 2250.0 3450.0 2025.0 4950.0 3000.0 3015.0 975.0
新型模式New model
头季First season 2250.0 3000.0 1800.0 4500.0 3000.0 1800.0 750.0
再生季Ratoon season 0.0 450.0 225.0 525.0 0.0 900.0 225.0
全年Annual 2250.0 3450.0 2025.0 5025.0 3000.0 2700.0 975.0


The panicle height and maturity degree of regeneration season from the middle and high (left) and low (right) axillary buds under high stubble harvest pattern"


Effects of high stubble harvest pattern (left), low axillary buds of regeneration season (middle) and growth of low axillary buds (right)"

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