Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 161-166.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.01.024

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Effects of Partial Substitution of Seaweed Fertilizers and Microbial Inoculant for Chemical Fertilizer on Rice Yield and Its Components

Xie Huimin1(), Wu Ke1, Liu Wenqi2, Wei Guoliang3, Lu Xian4, Li Zhuanglin5, Wei Shanqing1, Liang He1, Jiang Ligeng1()   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Farming Systems, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, Guangxi, China
    2Soil and Fertilizer Workstation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China
    3Xiangzhou Soil and Fertilizer Workstation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Xiangzhou 545800, Guangxi, China
    4Longzhou Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Longzhou 532400, Guangxi, China
    5Cenxi Soil and Fertilizer Workstation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Cenxi 543200, Guangxi, China
  • Received:2021-02-08 Revised:2021-05-12 Online:2022-02-15 Published:2022-02-16
  • Contact: Jiang Ligeng;


To determine the effects of partial substitution of different new fertilizers for chemical fertilizer on rice yield and its components under the condition of chemical fertilizer reduction. In 2019, a multipoint field experiment was conducted in Longzhou, Xiangzhou, and Cenxi in Guangxi. Four treatments of conventional fertilization (P1), 10% reduction in conventional fertilization+partial substitution of seaweed fertilizers and microbial inoculant (P2), 20% reduction in conventional fertilization+partial substitution of seaweed fertilizers and microbial inoculant (P3), 30% reduction in conventional fertilization+partial substitution of seaweed fertilizers and microbial inoculant (P4) were set. Dry matter accumulation amount, yield, and its components of rice were measured at maturity stage. The results showed that the average dry matter accumulation amount of three experiment sites, P2 treatment was 6.06% higher than that of P1 treatment, and P3 and P4 treatments were 3.44% and 3.75% lower than that of P1 treatment, respectively. The average yield of three experiment sites, P2 treatment increased by 0.45% compared with P1 treatment, and the average yield of P3 and P4 treatments decreased by 5.40% and 4.08% compared with P1 treatment. It was found that seaweed fertilizer and microbial inoculant could replace 10%-30% chemical fertilizer, the proportion of substitution was related to the soil fertility, and the replacement ratio in different places was slightly different, the suitable replacement ratio of Xiangzhou was 10%, and that of Longzhou and Cenxi were 30%.

Key words: Seaweed fertilizer, Microbial inoculant, Chemical fertilizer reduction, Dry matter accumulation amount, Rice yield

Table 1

Soil fertility of experimental sites"

Experiment site
pH 有机质
Organic matter (g/kg)
Total N (g/kg)
Available N (mg/kg)
Available P (mg/kg)
Available K (mg/kg)
龙州Longzhou 7.03 3.75 2.96 241.50 3.69 113.0
象州Xiangzhou 5.26 2.58 1.64 181.13 17.40 107.5
岑溪Cenxi 5.68 2.61 1.92 182.00 12.81 190.0

Table 2

Fertilizer application amount of different treatments and rice varieties in three experiment sites kg/hm2"

Experiment site
P1 P2 P3 P4 新型肥料
New fertilizer
Rice variety
N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K2O N P2O5 K2O
龙州Longzhou 150 45 135 135 40.5 121.5 120 36 108 105 31.5 94.5 海藻肥+微生物菌剂 特优3813
象州Xiangzhou 150 45 135 135 40.5 121.5 120 36 108 105 31.5 94.5 海藻肥+微生物菌剂 百香139
岑溪Cenxi 150 45 135 135 40.5 121.5 120 36 108 105 31.5 94.5 海藻肥+微生物菌剂 深优9798

Table 3

Dry matter accumulation amount of rice at maturity stage under partial substitution of chemical fertilizer for seaweed fertilizer and microbial inoculant kg/hm2"

P1 8 158.93a 11 353.58a 18 703.62a 12 738.71a
P2 7 661.50a 11 208.39a 21 660.77a 13 510.22a
P3 9 452.40a 9 773.85a 17 673.64a 12 299.96a
P4 8 970.34a 10 299.84a 17 514.12a 12 261.43a
平均值Mean 8 560.79 10 658.91 18 888.03

Table 4

Effects of seaweed fertilizer and microbial inoculant partially replacing chemical fertilizer on rice yield and its components"

Experiment site
Effective panicle (×104/hm2)
Grains per panicle
Seed setting rate (%)
1000-grain weight (g)
Harvest index
Yield (kg/hm2)
龙州Longzhou P1 201.20a 120.04a 85.43a 25.66a 0.64a 5990.13a
P2 202.63a 122.82a 87.26a 24.74b 0.67a 5885.12a
P3 230.09a 131.19a 80.89a 24.88ab 0.64a 5792.11a
P4 208.82a 121.39a 86.18a 24.52b 0.66a 5973.63a
象州Xiangzhou P1 347.00a 126.48a 69.87b 18.02a 0.51a 7892.78b
P2 349.22a 122.48a 82.48a 17.47a 0.55a 8457.14a
P3 322.24a 116.00a 80.62a 17.36a 0.54a 7501.69bc
P4 306.36a 125.87a 81.87a 17.65a 0.54a 7108.95c
岑溪Cenxi P1 321.44a 207.70b 79.11a 19.96a 0.55a 7739.31a
P2 313.51a 228.72a 83.55a 19.28a 0.53a 7376.27b
P3 300.41a 200.56b 78.24a 19.46a 0.52a 7161.75c
P4 294.06a 210.40b 82.27a 19.19a 0.56a 7656.80a

Table 5

Comparison dry matter accumulation and yield between different experiment sites under partial substitution of seaweed fertilizer and microbial inoculant for chemical fertilizer"

Experiment site
Dry matter accumulation
Effective panicles
Grains per
Seed setting
rate (%)
weight (g)
龙州Longzhou 8 560.80c 210.69c 123.86b 84.94a 24.95a 0.65a 5910.25b
象州Xiangzhou 10 658.91b 331.21a 122.71b 78.71b 17.62c 0.53b 7740.14a
岑溪Cenxi 18 888.03a 307.36b 211.85a 80.79ab 19.47b 0.54b 7483.54a

Table 6

Correlation analysis between yield and its components of rice"

Dry matter accumulation
Effective panicles
Grains per panicle
Seed setting rate
1000-grain weight
干物质积累量Dry matter accumulation 0.514
有效穗数Effective panicles 0.956** 0.509
穗粒数Grains per panicle 0.341 0.971** 0.316
结实率Seed setting rate -0.544 -0.228 -0.666* -0.101
千粒重1000-grain weight -0.914** -0.44 -0.955** -0.261 0.546
收获指数Harvest index -0.857** -0.563 -0.936** -0.391 0.766** 0.909**
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