Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 112-117.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.03.018

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Grain Dehydration and Gelatinization Characteristics of Waxy Maize at Different Harvesting Time

Shi Yaxing,Dong Hui,Lu Baishan,Zhao Jiuran,Fan Yanli,Xu Li,Yu Ainian   

  1. Maize Research Center, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing Key Laboratory of Maize DNA Fingerprinting and Molecular Breeding, Beijing 100097, China
  • Received:2019-01-30 Revised:2019-04-19 Online:2019-06-15 Published:2019-06-12
  • Contact: Baishan Lu,Jiuran Zhao


In order to study the change of grain dehydration and gelatinization characteristics of waxy maize at different harvesting time, 7 days after potlination (DAP), DAP 20, DAP 23, DAP 26 and DAP 29, seven waxy maize varieties such as Jingkenuo 2000 were used as materials, which are the main waxy maize varieties in China. The results showed: There were significant differences in grain moisture content among varieties and harvesting time. The grain dehydration rates of Jingkenuo 2000, Jingkenuo 2000E were significantly lower than those of other varieties in the suitable harvesting time. There were significant differences in gelatinization characteristics among varieties and harvesting time. With the postponement of harvest, the peak viscosity, final viscosity, breakdown value and setback value of starch showed the trend of “increased first and then decreased”. The peak viscosity, final viscosity and breakdown value of Jingkenuo 2000, Jingkenuo 2000E, Jingkenuo 2000K, Heinuo 101 and Yunuo 7 reached the peak values at 20d after pollination, but Tianzi 23 and Xiandanuo 001 at 23d after pollination. Setback value of Jingkenuo 2000K (252) was the lowest, while Heinuo 101 was the highest (343). The starch gelatinization characteristics of Jingkenuo 2000 and Jingkenuo 2000K had the highest peak viscosity, breakdown value and the lowest setback value, so they belonged to the best viscosity characteristic; Heinuo 101, Tianzi 23, Xiandanuo 001 and Yunuo 7 had lower peak viscosity, breakdown value and the lowest peak viscosity. Therefore, there were significant differences in grain moisture content and starch viscosity among waxy maize varieties and harvesting time. Jingkenuo 2000 had the slowest precipitation rate and the best viscosity characteristics in five harvesting time, with low setback and good quality.

Key words: Harvesting time, Waxy maize, Grain dehydration characteristics, Starch gelatinization characteristics

Table 1

The tested waxy maize varieties"

Breeding department
Audited information
Variety characteristic
Jingkenuo 2000



京科糯2000K Jingkenuo 2000K 北京市农林科学院玉米研究中心 京审玉20170014
Jingkenuo 2000E
北京市农林科学院玉米研究中心 黑审玉20182001
糯玉米品种,子粒白色,百粒鲜重44.2g,出苗至鲜果穗采收95d,适宜在黑龙江省≥10℃活动积温2 300℃以下区域种植。
Xiandanuo 001
先正达(中国)投资有限公司隆化分公司 冀审玉2012020
Tianzi 23
北京中农斯达农业科技开发有限公司 津审玉2004014
Yunuo 7
Heinuo 101
北京市农林科学院玉米研究中心 待审品种

Table 2

The change of grain moisture content of maize varieties at different harvesting time %"

子粒含水量Grain moisture content
Jingkenuo 2000
69.27cd 64.19b 56.52c 55.27b 53.96a
Jingkenuo 2000E
73.99b 67.77a 59.74b 57.78a 53.51a
Jingkenuo 2000K
69.26cd 64.75b 60.90a 54.70b 48.32b
Heinuo 101
69.93cd 56.78e 54.31d 51.94d 46.89c
Tianzi 23
68.93e 60.51d 53.51d 52.44c 42.89e
Xiandanuo 001
75.08a 66.28a 61.31a 58.13a 53.35a
Yunuo 7
70.05c 62.73c 53.25d 46.57e 44.13d
70.93 63.29 57.08 53.83 49.01


The change of decrease rate of grain moisture content from 23 to 29 days after pollination"

Table 3

Variance analysis of grain moisture content of maize varieties at different harvesting time"

变异来源Source of variation 自由度Degree of freedom 平方和Sum of squares 均方Mean square F P
品种Variety 6.00 843.41 140.57 965.03** 0.0001
采收期Harvesting time 4.00 6 720.48 1 680.12 11 534.27** 0.0001
品种×采收期Variety×harvesting time 24.00 271.94 11.33 77.79** 0.0001
误差Error 68.00 9.91 0.15
总变异Total variation 104.00 7 850.12

Table 4

Starch viscosity characteristics of tested maize varieties at different harvesting time cP"

指标Index 授粉后天数(d)
Days after pollination
Jingkenuo 2000
Jingkenuo 2000E
Jingkenuo 2000K
Heinuo 101
Tianzi 23
Xiandanuo 001
Yunuo 7
峰值黏度 17 1 688e 1 516e 2 456b 1 591b 1 106d 1 535d 890d
Peak viscosity 20 2 436a 2 158a 2 485a 1 627a 1 258c 1 718b 1 902a
23 2 321b 1 939b 2 457b 1 483c 1 664a 1 766a 1 881a
26 1 917c 1 731c 2 196c 1 187d 1 597b 1 599c 1 380b
29 1 811d 1 656d 1 885d 1 100e 1 576b 1 056e 965c
平均值Average 2 035 1 800 2 296 1 398 1 440 1 535 1 404
终值黏度 17 1 275e 1 317e 1 373d 1 406b 1 236e 1 366b 1 130b
Final viscosity 20 1 585a 1 651a 1 633a 1 515a 1 395b 1 364b 1 422a
23 1 523b 1 547b 1 480b 1 315c 1 424a 1 436a 1 083c
26 1 392c 1 494c 1 456c 1 340c 1 382c 1 271c 1 006c
29 1 348d 1 442d 1 276e 1 248d 1 330d 1 097d 931d
平均值Average 1 425 1 490 1 444 1 365 1 353 1 307 1 114
崩解值 17 674e 835b 1 156c 423c 144e 468d 418d
Breakdown 20 1 163a 938a 1 337a 566a 286d 646b 1 009a
23 1 124b 560c 1 262b 487b 549a 747a 843b
26 843c 443d 958d 223d 536b 500c 589c
29 716d 417e 809e 182e 507c 234e 314e
平均值Average 904 639 1104 376 404 519 635
回复值 17 241c 244e 225d 319d 274d 251d 258c
Setback 20 292b 413a 333a 376a 423a 299b 463a
23 306a 376b 261b 347b 315b 337a 317b
26 298ab 338c 242c 345b 310b 292b 307b
29 293b 274d 201e 329c 296c 275c 258c
平均值Average 286 329 252 343 324 291 321

Table 5

Variance analysis of starch viscosity characteristics of tested maize varieties at different harvesting time"

Source of variation
Degree of freedom
Sum of squares
Mean square
峰值黏度Peak viscosity 品种Variety 6 11 306 402.72 1 884 400.45 2 734.86** 0.0001
采收期Harvesting time 4 4 323 858.68 1 080 964.67 1 568.82** 0.0001
品种×采收期Variety×harvesting time 24 3 647 906.42 151 996.10 220.59** 0.0001
误差Error 68 46 853.99 689.03 - -
总变异Total variation 104 19 326 220.16 - - -
终值黏度Final viscosity 品种Variety 6 1 408 803.00 234 800.50 543.95** 0.0001
采收期Harvesting time 4 433 384.30 108 346.10 251.00** 0.0001
品种×采收期Variety×harvesting time 24 937 751.20 39 072.96 90.52** 0.0001
误差Error 68 29 352.82 431.66 - -
总变异Total variation 104 2 810 599.00 - - -
崩解值Breakdown 品种Variety 6 6 385 421.76 1 064 237.00 2 872.01** 0.0001
采收期Harvesting time 4 2 681 066.87 670 266.70 1 808.81** 0.0001
品种×采收期Variety×harvesting time 24 1 353 062.03 56 377.58 152.14** 0.0001
误差Error 68 25 197.80 370.56 - -
总变异Total variation 104 10 445 147.49 - - -
回复值Setback 品种Variety 6 81 418.46 13 569.74 206.27** 0.0001
采收期Harvesting time 4 67 778.99 16 944.75 257.57** 0.0001
品种×采收期Variety×harvesting time 24 175 350.21 7 306.26 111.06** 0.0001
误差Error 68 4 473.54 65.79 - -
总变异Total variation 104 329 200.99 - - -


Cluster analysis of peak viscosity and disintegration value of tested waxy maize varieties"

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