Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 99-103.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.03.014

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Analysis of Morphological and Structural Characteristics of Sisal Leaf Fiber Cells

Huang Xianya(), Qin Xu, Yang Xiangyan, Li Juxin, Peng Xinyi, Wu Mi, Jin Gang, Chen Tao()   

  1. Guangxi Subtropical Crops Research Institute, Nanning 530001, Guangxi, China
  • Received:2021-08-13 Revised:2021-12-10 Online:2022-06-15 Published:2022-06-20
  • Contact: Chen Tao;


The purpose of this study was to observe morphological properties of sisal sheet fiber cells and to identify the sampling sites and provide basic experimental references for future studies of sisal sheet fiber cell development. According to the botanical characteristics of leaves and plants, a sampling part was defined, and then used transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation and analysis of the morphological structural characteristics of the leaf fiber cells of different regions of mature leaves in two growth periods and the proximal end in three maturities degrees, fiber cells in the middle and proximal of old and young sisal were closely related and differ in size. The cells in the center of the leaves were mostly devoid of protoplasts, while protoplasts containing organelles were found at the paraxial end of the leaves. The fibrous cell structure at the proximal end of three maturation stages was further observed. The results showed that various organelles were pushed to the cell edge by vacuoles, and chloroplasts were the most prominent organelles. Among them, the chloroplasts in juvenile and mature leaves were mostly spindle-shaped, the membrane was complete, and a clear lamellar structure and stacking area could be seen. The chloroplasts in the infancy leaves shrinked, the lamellar structure was disordered, the mitochondria swell, vacuoles appear in the cytoplasm, and the phenomenon of increased heterochromatin and separation of the cytoplasmic wall in the nucleus still exists in infancy leaves. From the comprehensive analysis of the image information, it could be concluded that the active site of growth and development of sisal leaf fiber cells is at the paraxial end of the leaf.

Key words: Sisal, Leaf fiber cells, Transmission electron microscopy, Submicroscopic structure

Table 1

The division and maturity definition sampling division of sisal leaves"

1 叶片由叶基到叶尖中间1/3部分 叶片中部
2 叶片由叶基到叶尖近叶基1/3部分 叶片近轴端
3 叶片与轴心夹角大于45° 成熟叶(深绿色)
4 叶片与轴心夹角大于30°小于45° 幼年叶(浅绿色)
5 叶片与轴心夹角小于30° 稚嫩叶(黄绿色)


Sketch of sisal leaf division"


Transmission electron microscopy of fiber bundle cells in the proximal end and middle of mature leaves of young and three knife sisal a, c: the proximal end and middle of young sisal leaf, b, d: the proximal end and middle of old sisal leaf, CW: cell wall, CS: cell space, M: mitochondria, N: nucleus, MD: membrane discontinuity, ER: endoplasmic reticulum; Bar=2μm; accelerating voltage = 80kV. The same below"


Transmission electron microscopy of fiber bundle cells at different ripeness stages of sisal leaves a-c: proximal end of mature leaves, d-f: proximal end of juvenile leaves, g-i: proximal end of infancy leaves, CH: chloroplast, O: osmiophilic, Ps: physalides, MS: mitochondrial swelling, P: plasmolysis; Bar=2μm; accelerating voltage = 80kV"

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