Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (1): 227-232.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.01.034

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Effects of the Number of Various Fruits Retention on Seed Yield and Quality of Xiangyan 5

Xiao Qinzhi1(), Zhou Li1, Deng Bin2, Teng Linjuan3, Li Xiaohui1, Qin Ling1, Wang Gui1, Gan Zaide1, Lu Chaojun2, Cui Guoxian4()   

  1. 1Yongzhou Branch of Hunan Tobacco Company, Yongzhou 425000, Hunan, China
    2Hunan Tobacco Company, Changsha 410000, Hunan,China
    3Yongzhou Agricultural Science Research Institute, Yongzhou 425000, Hunan, China
    4College of Agriculture, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410000, Hunan, China
  • Received:2021-04-29 Revised:2021-07-26 Online:2022-02-15 Published:2022-02-16
  • Contact: Cui Guoxian;


In order to improve the flue-cured tobacco Xiangyan 5 seed yield and quality, root activity, seedling quality and resistance, a field test was conducted to investigate the effects of the number of various fruits retention on yield and quality of Xiangyan 5. The results showed that the seed yield of 80 fruits retention per plant was the highest, the germination rate reached 99.0%, the 7th leaf emergence days of the seedlings was 64.8d, and the chemical composition coordination was better than that of 100, 120, 140 fruits retention per plant. The medium to high smoking rate reached 96.73%. Although the seedlings of 60 fruits retention per plant had the shortest leaf emergence days, the seed root vigor, chlorophyll and proline content, and medium to high smoking rate were the highest, and the chemical composition contents of leaves were better than that of 80 fruits retention per plant, but too few fruit retention would affect seed yield. Under the conditions of this study, the optimal number of fruit retention per plant of tobacco Xiangyan 5 was 80.

Key words: Xiangyan 5, Seed production technology, Fruit retention number, Seed vigor

Table 1

Yield of Xiangyan 5 seeds under different treatments"

Weight per plant (g)
1000-grain weight (g)
Yield (kg/hm2)
T1 5.63d 0.0706d 8.81d
T2 6.73a 0.0994a 10.54a
T3 6.37b 0.0898b 10.25b
T4 6.47b 0.0903b 10.37b
CK 6.03c 0.0764c 9.25c

Table 2

Color and uniform plumpness of Xiangyan 5 seeds under different treatments"

Uniform plumpness
T1 暗褐色,光泽强 籽粒均匀,饱满
T2 黄褐色,光泽强 籽粒均匀,饱满
T3 黄褐色,光泽强 籽粒均匀,饱满
T4 黄褐色,光泽强 籽粒均匀,饱满
CK 黄褐色,光泽稍暗淡 籽粒均匀度较差,较小


Germination potential and germination rate of Xiangyan 5 seeds under different treatments NS indicates no significant difference between treatments"


Days of growing leaves of Xiangyan 5 seedlings under different treatments Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference (P < 0.05). The same below"

Table 3

Agronomic characters of Xiangyan 5 seedlings under different treatments"

height (mm)
Stem circumference
Fresh weight
of root (mg)
Main root
length (cm)
T1 10.20b 10.30a 0.21b 0.84b
T2 11.80a 11.10a 0.29a 0.98a
T3 11.40a 10.70a 0.27a 0.93a
T4 10.80ab 10.40a 0.22b 0.90ab
CK 10.00b 9.20b 0.19b 0.81c
T1 40.66b 16.37b 1.23c 1.22b
T2 52.83a 20.09a 1.99a 1.69a
T3 53.13a 21.61a 2.02a 1.55a
T4 48.32ab 19.32ab 1.68b 1.42ab
CK 40.80b 15.20b 1.32c 1.28b


Root number of Xiangyan 5 seedlings under different treatments"

Table 4

Physiological indexes of Xiangyan 5 Seedlings under different treatments"

Root activity [μg/(g·h FW)]
Chlotophyll (mg/g)
Pro (μg/g)
T1 430.3a 0.52a 32.65a
T2 438.2a 0.55a 32.17a
T3 406.5b 0.46b 28.62b
T4 395.7b 0.39c 26.35c
CK 355.2c 0.31c 25.67c


Chemical components in Xiangyan 5 tobacco leaves under different treatments"

Table 5

Proportion of different grades of Xiangyan 5 tobacco leaves under different treatments %"

smoking rate
smoking rate
Medium to high
smoking rate
T1 69.32a 27.41b 96.73a
T2 68.44a 26.57b 95.01a
T3 62.79b 28.16b 90.95ab
T4 48.45c 36.93a 85.38b
CK 42.04c 38.29a 80.33b
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