Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 195-202.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.02.027
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Guo Yongxin(), Zhou Hao, Sun Peng, Wang Yaqing, Ma Ke, Li Xiaorui, Dong Shuqi, Guo Pingyi, Yuan Xiangyang(
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[1] | Wang Jian, Xu Ailing, Yang Na, Wang Ke, Xi Jilong, Wei Xiaodong, Zhang Jiancheng, Xi Tianyuan. Risk Assessment of Dry-Hot Wind in Different Sowing Dates of Wheat in Yuncheng Basin [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 104-112. |
[2] | Hao Ruixuan, Sun Min, Ren Aixia, Lin Wen, Wang Peiru, Han Xuyang, Wang Qiang, Gao Zhiqiang. Research on the Relationship between Water Use and Dry Matter Accumulation and Quality of Wide Space Sowing Winter Wheat and the Regulation of Sowing Density [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 119-126. |
[3] | Zhou Yuzhuang, Wang Rui, Yao Zhaosheng, Zhang Weijun, Liu Tao, Sun Chengming. Effects of Different Soil Surface Structures on Wheat Growth, Development and Yield [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 127-133. |
[4] | Ma Ruiqi, Wang Demei, Wang Yanjie, Yang Yushuang, Zhao Guangcai, Chang Xuhong. Effects of Topdressing Nitrogen Rates on Yield and Photosynthetic Performance of Different Quality Types of Wheat [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 134-142. |
[5] | Cao Liru, Lu Xiaomin, Wang Guorui, Dang Zun, Qiu Tian, Qiu Jianjun, Tian Yunfeng, Wang Zhenhua, Dang Yongfu. Effects of Foliar Spraying with Carbon-Adsorbed Polyglutamic Acid on Growth and Development of Maize [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 158-166. |
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[7] | Liu Panfeng, Qin Jie, Hao Shuangnan, Wang Danli, Yang Wude, Feng Meichen, Song Xiaoyan. Effects of Selenium Concentration, Application Stage and Method on Yield and Grain Selenium Content of Different Millet Varieties [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 182-188. |
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[9] | Han Lijun, Xue Zhangyi, Xie Hao, Gu Junfei. Effects of Dry-Wet Alternate Irrigation and Nitrification Inhibitor on Rice Yield and Soil Properties [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 222-229. |
[10] | Zhao Lirong, Ma Ke, Zhang Liguang, Tang Sha, Yuan Xiangyang, Diao Xianmin. Analysis of Agronomic Traits and Quality of Foxtail Millet Varieties in Different Ecological Regions [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 44-53. |
[11] | Gong Dan, Luo Gaoling, Zhang Xiaoyan, Zhu Xu, Yin Zhengong, Wang Suhua, Sha Aihua, Wang Lixia. Assessment of Adaptability for 34 New Cultivars of Cowpea under Different Eco-Environments [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 89-95. |
[12] | Fang Mengying, Yan Peng, Lu Lin, Wang Qingyan, Dong Zhiqiang. Effects of Ethylene-Chlormequat-Potassium on Nitrogen Metabolism and Yield of Summer Maize under Different Nitrogen Levels [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(2): 96-103. |
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[14] | Liu Menghong, Wang Zhijun, Li Hongyu, Zhao Haicheng, Lü Yandong. Effects of Fertilization Method and Nitrogen Application Rate on Yield, Quality and Nitrogen Utilization of Rice in Cold Region [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 102-109. |
[15] | He Yuxuan, Li Yajuan, Zhou Mingzhuo, Sui Feng, Lü Weisheng, Zhang Jun, Zeng Yongjun, Huang Shan. Effects of Calcium Peroxide Application on Yield and Greenhouse Gas Emissions under Full-Rate Straw Returning in a Double Rice-Cropping System [J]. Crops, 2022, 38(1): 116-123. |