Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (4): 99-106.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.04.014

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Effects of NAA/KT Presoaking on Sugarcane Yield, Root Development and Lodging Resistance

Yan Peng1(), Dong Xuerui1, Lu Lin1, Fang Mengying1, Li Yijie2, Wang Weizan2(), Dong Zhiqiang1()   

  1. 1Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Key Laboratory of Crop Eco-Physiology and Cultivation, Beijing 100081, China
    2Sugarcane Research Institute,Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affaris Key Laboratory of Sugarcane Biotechnology and Genetic Improvement (Guangxi), Nanning 530007, Guangxi, China
  • Received:2021-06-16 Revised:2021-07-14 Online:2022-08-15 Published:2022-08-22
  • Contact: Wang Weizan,Dong Zhiqiang;;


Using the sugarcane varieties Guitang 29 (GT29), Guitang 42 (GT42), Guitang 49 (GT49), and Guitang 55 (GT55) as materials, a combination of greenhouse pot experiment and field experiment were carried out with the aim of clarifying the effects of α-naphthyl acetate (NAA) and kinetin (KT) presoaking on sugarcane yield, root development, and lodging resistance, and improving the theoretical basis of sugarcane high-quality, high-yield, and lodging-resistant. Investigating the effects of NAA/KT presoaking at various concentrations on the leaf fresh weight, root vigor, root shape, and stalk breaking resistance of newly planted sugarcane. The findings demonstrated that, in comparison to the control treatment, the root vigor, root length, and root volume of GT29 and GT42 increased significantly under greenhouse conditions when the NAA/KT ratio was 20-40. Under field conditions, the combination of NAA 25-50mg/L and KT 1mg/L presoaking treatment had the greatest impact on sugarcane fresh leaf weight and stem yield, root growth, and stalk lodging resistance. During 2019 and 2020 experimental years, leaf fresh weights and yields of four sugarcane varieties were higher than that of the control treatment; root length, root surface area, root volume, root tip number and root dry weight were increased by 33.0%, 39.0%, 43.7%, 27.4% and 44.9%, respectively, stalk lodging resistance increased by 26.0%. It could be concluded that NAA/KT presoaking could increase fresh leaf weight, stem yield, and root vigor of the new planted sugarcane, and promoted sugarcane root development; under field trial, presoaking with NAA 25-50mg/L combined with KT 1mg/L could significantly increase stem fresh yield, root length, root surface area, root tip number, root dry weight and stalk breaking resistance of newly planted sugarcane, thereby improving sugarcane lodging resistance.

Key words: NAA/KT, Sugarcane, Root, Stalk, Lodging resistance

Table 1

Greenhouse pot experiment design of different NAA/KT presoaking sugarcane"

调节剂Plant growth regulator (mg/L) NAA/KT
CK1 0 0.000
T1 20 2.000 10
T2 20 1.000 20
T3 20 0.500 40
T4 20 0.250 80
T5 20 0.125 160

Table 2

Field experiment design of NAA/KT presoaking sugarcane"

调节剂Plant growth regulator (mg/L) NAA/KT
TR1 25 1 25
TR2 50 1 50
TR3 75 1 75
TR4 100 1 100


Effects of NAA/KT presoaking on sugarcane root vigor Different small letters indicate significant difference among treatments at the 0.05 level, the same below"

Table 3

Effects of NAA/KT presoaking on sugarcane root development"

Root length (cm)
Root volume (cm3)
Root surface area (cm2)
Average diameter of primary lateral root (mm)
GT29 CK1 699.6d 32.6d 102.4d 0.47b
T1 1195.7c 35.9d 112.7d 0.30d
T2 2380.0b 121.8b 382.6b 0.52a
T3 5269.1a 198.6a 623.9a 0.39c
T4 1585.3b 62.1c 195.1c 0.39c
T5 416.8d 21.0e 65.8e 0.50ab
GT42 CK1 3014.6c 94.7c 297.6d 0.31bc
T1 6361.6a 196.5a 617.3b 0.31bc
T2 5344.8b 157.6b 495.2c 0.30c
T3 7300.5a 219.7a 690.3a 0.32b
T4 6952.5a 225.7a 709.0a 0.33b
T5 1293.0d 51.1c 160.5e 0.40a

Table 4

Effects of NAA/KT presoaking on sugarcane plant height, leaf and stem fresh weight in 2019"

height (cm)
Leaf fresh
weight (g/plant)
Stem yield
GT42 CK2 255.5a 297.8a 31 300.0b
TR1 284.6a 262.9a 41 794.0a
TR2 271.4a 216.2a 44 393.7a
TR3 269.9a 231.0a 33 577.3b
TR4 267.4a 209.5a 41 818.0a
平均值 269.8 243.5 38 576.6
GT49 CK2 229.1a 224.1b 22 642.0b
TR1 261.4a 257.1b 34 503.6a
TR2 250.2a 293.3a 26 162.6b
TR3 245.1a 173.9b 21 535.7b
TR4 241.3a 195.5b 26 214.7b
平均值 245.4 228.8 26 211.7

Table 5

Effects of NAA/KT presoaking on sugarcane plant height, leaf and stem fresh weight in 2020"

height (cm)
Leaf fresh
weight (g/plant)
Stem yield
GT49 CK2 343.9a 355.3b 55 326.3b
TR1 345.0a 535.8a 77 767.3a
TR2 344.5a 472.5a 82 730.3a
TR3 340.1a 384.3b 68 234.3b
TR4 349.8a 529.8a 72 135.3b
平均值 344.7 455.5 71 238.7
GT55 CK2 406.5a 443.6a 75 803.8a
TR1 388.3a 455.4a 83 748.0a
TR2 384.1a 415.8a 84 082.1a
TR3 397.6a 480.0a 77 641.1a
TR4 394.0a 434.6a 77 785.6a
平均值 394.1 445.9 79 402.9

Table 6

Effects of NAA/KT presoaking on sugarcane root development traits in 2019 and 2020"

Root length (cm/plant)
Root surface area (cm2/plant)
Average root diameter (mm)
Root volume (cm3)
Root tip number
2019 GT42 CK 6713.4b 1609.1a 0.8a 31.9a 41 027.0b
TR1 11 835.4b 2575.9a 0.7a 46.2a 66 188.3b
TR2 13 092.0a 2978.0a 0.7a 55.8a 95 326.3a
TR3 13 216.2a 2734.8a 0.7a 46.3a 75 784.3b
TR4 11 616.8b 2554.1a 0.7a 46.1a 59 620.3b
平均值 11 294.8 2490.4a 0.7 45.2 67 589.2
GT49 CK 8120.1b 1556.0b 0.6a 24.7b 59 524.3b
TR1 6116.0b 987.9b 0.5a 12.9b 48 718.8b
TR2 14 004.0a 2444.5a 0.6a 35.0a 99 712.8a
TR3 8979.4b 1491.8b 0.5a 20.1b 50 877.0b
TR4 9892.7b 1690.1b 0.5a 24.1b 74 982.8ab
平均值 9422.4 1634.0 0.6 23.4 66 763.1
2020 GT49 CK 6178.1b 846.4b 0.4a 9.6b 51 741.8b
TR1 5882.3b 1054.6b 0.6a 16.1a 39 312.0b
TR2 7931.6a 1138.3a 0.5a 13.4ab 67 403.8a
TR3 6907.7ab 1096.9ab 0.5a 14.5a 52 876.5b
TR4 7359.0a 1072.8ab 0.5a 13.0ab 46 605.0b
平均值 6851.7 1041.8 0.5 13.3 51 587.8
GT55 CK 9581.5b 1669.5b 0.6a 23.8b 65 112.3b
TR1 9040.7b 1869.3b 0.7a 32.5ab 58 245.8b
TR2 13 474.1a 2740.1a 0.7a 46.8a 79 108.3a
TR3 11 238.0ab 1920.0b 0.6a 27.1b 75 207.0ab
TR4 12 774.0ab 2652.7ab 0.7a 45.7a 75 557.4ab
平均值 11 221.7 2170.3 0.6 35.2 70 646.1


Effects of NAA/KT presoaking on sugarcane root dry weight in 2019 and 2020"


Effects of NAA/KT presoaking on sugarcane stalk lodging resistance in 2019 and 2020"

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