Crops ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 139-144.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2021.06.022

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Effects of No-Tillage and Drilling on Growth, Root System and Yield of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) in Hilly Area

Li Xinhao1(), Li Jun1, Wan Lin1, Liu Lixin1, Liu Junquan2, Ma Ni1()   

  1. 1Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Crop Cultivation and Physiology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Oil Crops of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Wuhan 430062, Hubei, China
    2Dafasi Agricultural Technology Service Center, Wuxue 435400, Hubei, China
  • Received:2021-01-04 Revised:2021-09-15 Online:2021-12-15 Published:2021-12-16
  • Contact: Ma Ni;


Understanding the relationship between the root system and rapeseed yield, soil physical properties are the key for optimizing rapeseed cultivation and management under the condition of no-tillage in hilly area. A field experiment was conducted to study the effects of three treatments, control (CT, conventional tillage and no straw returning to field), no-tillage and no straw returning to field (NT), and no-tillage and straw mulching return to field (NTR), on rapeseed yield. Compared with CT, the NT treatment increased the soil bulk density and soil compaction, decreased the saturation moisture capacity and total porosity, and led to restrained root growth. The rapeseed yield under NT treatment was 17.04% higher and under NTR was 5.83% lower than that of CT treatment. Except for the root crown diameter, the overall root indexes showed a trend of NT > NTR > CT during seedling stage of rapeseed. While the root volume, total root length, total root surface area, root crown diameter and dry matter weight showed CT > NT > NTR at the silique stage. Compared with CT treatment, NT treatment could effectively reduce the damage of drought stress to rape seedling root system and ensure the harvest yield of rapeseed. However, NTR treatment had significantly lower branch numbers per square meter, siliques per unit area and root indexes. Meanwhile, these were also the reason for yield decrease. Therefore, the results indicated that the suitable tillage method could reduce the damage caused by drought and increase rapeseed yield.

Key words: Rapeseed, Hilly area, No-tillage, Drilling, Agronomic trait, Root system, Yield


Monthly average temperature and precipitation of the rice and rape planting season in 2019-2020"


A diagram of the plant method"

Table 1

Effects of different tillage treatments on soil physical properties"

Soil depth
Bulk density
Saturation moisture
capacity (%)
Total porosity
Capillary moisture
capacity (%)
porosity (%)
porosity (%)
0~10 CT 1.46a 30.04a 43.60a 28.96a 42.03a 1.57a
NT 1.52a 27.77a 42.25a 26.60b 40.47a 1.78a
NTR 1.47a 28.60a 43.29a 28.08ab 41.56a 1.73a
平均Mean 1.48 28.80 43.05 27.88 41.35 1.69
10~20 CT 1.45a 29.28ab 42.48a 27.94a 40.52a 1.95a
NT 1.58a 25.44b 40.10a 24.54b 38.70a 1.41a
NTR 1.47a 32.70a 43.82a 30.46a 42.48a 2.33a
平均Mean 1.50 29.14 42.13 27.65 40.57 1.90
0~20 CT 1.45a 29.66a 43.04ab 28.45a 41.28ab 1.76a
NT 1.55a 26.60b 41.18b 25.57b 39.58b 1.60a
NTR 1.47a 30.65a 43.55a 29.27a 42.02a 2.03a


Changes of soil moisture, temperature and ECP under different treatments"


Changes of soil compaction under different treatments before sowing and after harvesting"

Table 2

Effects of different tillage treatments on yield and yield components of rapeseed"

Siliques per square metre
Seeds per silique
1000-seed weight(g)
Seed weight(g/m2)
主枝(M) 分枝(B) 主枝(M) 分枝(B) 主枝(M) 分枝(B) 主枝(M) 分枝(B)
大地199 CT 1559a 3238a 18.11a 13.08a 4.676a 4.186a 88.68a 216.6a 2242a
Dadi 199 NT 1560a 2554ab 19.47a 12.27a 4.373a 4.193a 85.91a 164.1ab 2627a
NTR 1239b 1787b 18.30a 12.57a 4.910a 4.496a 66.24b 112.3b 2197a
阳光2009 CT 1404a 4614a 15.70a 14.17a 5.316a 4.506a 68.89a 239.8ab 2388ab
Yangguang 2009 NT 1429a 5240a 14.76a 13.54a 5.086a 4.296a 64.71a 293.6a 2792a
NTR 1148b 3057b 18.12a 14.86a 5.006a 4.346a 65.46a 170.1b 2163b

Table 3

Effects of different tillage treatments on agronomic traits performance of rapeseed"

Branches per
square meter
Length of branch
raceme (cm)
Length of main
raceme (cm)
height (cm)
Shell dry
mass (g/m2)
干重Dry mass (g/m2) 总生物量
Total dry
mass (g/m2)


大地199 CT 145.9a 38.25a 52.21a 154.5a 314.7a 126.40a 372.8a 687.6a 814.0a
Dadi199 NT 124.6ab 34.58ab 54.16a 165.2a 265.3ab 97.58b 316.6a 581.9ab 679.4ab
NTR 106.9b 27.80b 51.87a 161.2a 211.5b 87.50b 271.1a 482.7b 570.2b
阳光2009 CT 151.5a 47.00a 45.79a 166.4a 437.5a 127.20a 423.0ab 860.5a 987.8a
Yangguang 2009 NT 151.2a 50.62a 46.62a 168.2a 345.9ab 128.40a 467.4a 813.4ab 941.8a
NTR 119.6b 38.44b 44.57a 158.7a 276.2b 93.48b 286.2b 562.4b 655.9b

Table 4

Effects of different tillage treatments on root growth performance of single rapeseed at seedling and silique stages"

Root volume (cm3)
Root length (cm)
Root surface area (cm2)
Root crown diameter (mm)
Dry weight (g)
苗期 大地199 CT 0.13b 171.00b 16.79b 3.40ab 0.049b
Seedling NT 0.27a 265.76a 29.95a 3.66a 0.072a
NTR 0.20ab 223.50ab 23.75ab 2.59b 0.063ab
阳光2009 CT 0.10a 152.35a 13.75b 2.80a 0.045a
NT 0.18a 206.65a 21.51a 3.53a 0.060a
NTR 0.11a 157.33a 14.54b 2.36a 0.048a
角果期 大地199 CT 31.23a 449.10a 211.40a 20.20a 6.030a
Silique NT 23.67b 285.90b 133.20b 18.43b 4.860b
NTR 19.67b 261.50b 130.30b 16.07b 3.860b
阳光2009 CT 30.43a 338.80a 163.00a 20.80a 5.060a
NT 27.80b 349.50a 138.10b 18.53b 5.530a
NTR 18.77b 287.80a 111.00b 17.33b 4.010b
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