Crops ›› 2019, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (3): 24-28.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2019.03.005

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Improvement of Grain Oil Content in Maize Inbred Lines by Molecular Markering Technology

Lu Shouping,Zhang Hua,Meng Zhaodong,Mu Chunhua   

  1. Maize Research Institute of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Maize Biology and Genetic Breeding in North Huanghuaihai, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Jinan 250100, Shandong, China
  • Received:2018-12-10 Revised:2019-04-18 Online:2019-06-15 Published:2019-06-12
  • Contact: Chunhua Mu


High-oil maize refers to maize with a grain oil content higher than 6%. It is an excellent crop of grain, oil and feed. The high oil maize inbred line By804 contains two major QTLs, qHO1 and qHO6. In this study, By804 was used as a donor, using linkage-labeled molecular-assisted selection technology, combined with field agronomic traits identification and nuclear magnetic resonance verification, two major QTLs were transferred to common maize inbred lines lx9801, lx03-2 and lx00- 1 by backcrosses. The results showed that the growth trend of oil in different generations of improved inbred lines was similar. The generation BC1F1 had the highest oil content increase, and with the increase of backcross algebra, the oil content of grain decreased gradually. Different genetic backgrounds had an effect on oil content. The average effect on lx9801 was the best with absolute oil content increases by 0.72% compared with the two-point effects. qHO6 was better in improving the grain oil content, which could increased the oil content of grain by an average of 0.58%.

Key words: Maize, Inbred line, Grain oil, QTL, Marker-assisted selection

Table 1

Dates, sites and methods of selection of materials for each generation"

时间Date 种植世代Generation 种植地点Site 选择方法Method of selection
2006年10月October 2006 亲本 海南三亚 -
2007年2月February 2007 F1 海南三亚 -
2007年6月June 2007 BC1F1 济南章丘 农艺性状、油分检测、标记辅助检测
2007年10月October 2007 BC2F1 海南三亚 农艺性状、油分检测、标记辅助检测
2008年6月June 2008 BC3F1 济南章丘 农艺性状、油分检测、标记辅助检测
2008年10月October 2008 BC4F1 海南三亚 农艺性状、油分检测、标记辅助检测
2009年6月June 2009 BC5F1 济南章丘 农艺性状、油分检测、标记辅助检测
2009年10月October 2009 BC5F2 海南三亚 农艺性状、油分检测、标记辅助检测

Table 2

Linkage marker information for receptor parents"

Distance from QTL
QTL 适用亲本Applicable parent
bnlg1884 bin1.06 13.4 qHO1 lx9801, lx03-2
umc1979 bin6.04 0.5 qHO6 lx9801, lx03-2
umc2112 bin1.02 21.0 qHO1 lx00-1
umc1656 bin6.02 17.8 qHO6 lx00-1

Table 3

PCR amplification conditions for each marker"

PCR reaction procedure
Product size
94℃ 5min;94℃ 30s,58℃ 30s,72℃ 50s,30个循环;72℃ 10min 188
94℃ 5min;94℃ 30s,58℃ 30s,72℃ 50s,30个循环;72℃ 10min 140
94℃ 5min;94℃ 30s,56℃ 30s,72℃ 50s,30个循环;72℃ 10min 133
94℃ 5min;94℃ 30s,56℃ 30s,72℃ 50s,30个循环;72℃ 10min 135

Table 4

Information of seeding, backcrossing and screening of ear for each separation generation"

lx9801 lx03-2 lx00-1
Backcross ear
Ear selection rate
Backcross ear number
Ear selection rate
Backcross ear number
Ear selection rate
BC1F1 290/10* 280** - 215/10 201 - 415/10 264 -
BC2F1 160/14 151 5.00*** 160/17 152 8.45 220/12 218 4.54
BC3F1 370/20 290 13.24 380/20 310 13.16 487/20 350 9.17
BC4F1 380/20 300 6.89 281/20 200 6.46 460/20 420 5.71
BC5F1 507/28 450 9.33 800/36 560 18.00 373/25 340 5.95
合计Total 1 707/92 1 471 8.62 1 416/103 1 423 11.52 1 955/87 1 592 6.34


Amplification map of different markers in progeny of backcross populations"


Variation of oil content in each modified inbred line compared with receptor grain"

Table 5

Oil content of different generations of improved inbred lines %"

lx9801 improved line
lx03-2 improved line
lx00-1 improved line
qHO1 qHO6 qHO1 qHO6 qHO1 qHO6
BC1F1 4.16±0.36 4.19±0.23 4.70±0.68 4.85±0.43 4.77±0.63 4.81±0.35
BC2F1 3.47±0.28 3.61±0.32 3.80±0.63 4.01±0.36 4.05±0.64 4.24±0.48
BC3F1 2.81±0.44 3.05±0.54 2.77±0.44 3.04±0.50 3.98±0.44 3.96±0.46
BC4F1 2.87±0.37 2.76±0.37 3.54±0.53 3.41±0.47 3.66±0.57 3.99±0.53
BC5F1 3.08±0.31 3.10±0.35 2.96±0.32 3.01±0.38 3.26±0.35 3.48±0.41
BC5F2 3.20±0.37 3.11±0.41 3.28±0.50 3.58±0.50 3.58±0.40 3.70±0.40


Oil content distribution of the improved lines BC5F2 generation"

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