Crops ›› 2022, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (2): 167-173.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2022.02.023

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Effects of Different Top Pruning Layers at Flowering Stage on Agronomic Traits and Yield of Broad Bean

Yuan Jingya(), Li Wanming, Pang Xueqin, Huang Linhua, Qi Lan, Wang Shengmou, Xie Zhengwei, Qiu Yibiao, Lai Quanhao, Qin Nana()   

  1. Dazhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dazhou 635000, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2021-04-21 Revised:2022-02-12 Online:2022-04-15 Published:2022-04-24
  • Contact: Qin Nana;


Two broad bean varieties were treated with top pruning at flowering stage and the differences of main agronomic traits and yield were evaluated. The optimal layer number of top pruning treatments was put forward to provide a scientific basis for the high-yield and efficient cultivation of broad bean. The results showed that, with the number of top pruning layers increased, plant height of broad bean increased gradually; pods per plant, number of branches (Dacan 1), number of effective branches, and 100-seed weight first increased and then decreased; first-pod height, seeds per pod, number of branches (Chenghu 15), nodes of the main stem, and pod length were not affected by top pruning. The yield also increased first and then decreased and yield reached the maximum when the number of top pruning layer was eight. Correlation analysis showed yield of broad bean had a significant positive correlation (P < 0.05) with 100-seed weight, number of effective branches, and pods per plant; plant height and 100-seed weight also had significant positive correlation (P < 0.05). Regression analysis showed the relationship between top pruning layers and yield were a downward parabola and the optimal layer of top pruning was the eighth or ninth layer.

Key words: Broad bean, Yield, Top pruning, Agronomic trait


Effects of different top pruning treatment on plant height at flowering stage Different small letters indicate significant difference between treatments (P < 0.05), the same below"


Effects of different top pruning treatment on first-pod height at flowering stage"


Effects of different top pruning treatment on the number of branches at flowering stage"


Effects of different top pruning treatment on nodes of main stem at flowering stage"


Effects of different top pruning treatment on pod length at flowering stage"

Table 1

Effects of different top pruning treatment at flowering stage on yield trait"

Pods per plant
Effective branch
Seeds per pod
100-seed weight (g)
Chenghu 15 in 2019
CK 10.61±4.04ab 2.81±0.79b 2.41±0.51a 99.60±0.91a
A 9.78±1.84b 3.24±0.43b 2.44±0.54a 72.24±0.45d
B 10.43±1.32ab 3.28±0.42ab 2.42±0.83a 73.10±0.56d
C 11.05±3.05a 3.51±1.07ab 2.40±0.48a 75.78±0.10c
D 11.36±2.39a 3.61±0.82a 2.30±1.00a 77.82±0.33b
E 10.59±2.02ab 3.44±0.76ab 2.58±0.41a 75.81±0.55c
F 10.04±2.04b 3.31±0.76ab 2.64±0.38a 72.78±0.30d
Chenghu 15 in 2020
CK 6.03±5.32e 3.39±0.51ab 2.40±0.51a 103.56±0.71a
A 9.69±1.50d 2.76±0.48b 2.21±0.52a 71.20±0.52d
B 10.43±4.76cd 3.01±0.41b 2.24±0.43a 72.31±1.04cd
C 11.77±4.17c 3.43±1.32ab 2.19±0.45a 76.43±0.67b
D 14.81±5.09a 3.92±0.46a 2.17±0.41a 77.94±1.33b
E 13.03±5.64b 3.61±0.51ab 2.18±0.41a 76.30±0.34b
F 11.32±3.03c 3.39±0.81ab 2.00±0.36a 74.12±0.41c
Dacan 1 in 2020
CK 18.21±7.92e 4.03±1.45ab 2.40±0.45a 68.62±0.40a
A 25.83±6.81d 2.71±0.41c 2.61±1.26a 55.45±0.44e
B 26.42±3.75d 2.94±0.79c 2.45±0.42a 55.78±0.56e
C 29.28±9.87c 3.31±0.00bc 2.58±0.51a 60.78±0.22d
D 35.76±6.79a 4.75±0.42a 2.81±0.00a 66.23±0.44b
E 32.21±2.72b 3.91±0.82b 2.64±0.00a 63.60±0.81c
F 31.84±4.41bc 3.68±0.51b 2.63±0.00a 61.81±0.64cd

Table 2

Correlation analysis between yield traits and yield of broad bean"

Pods per
per pod
Chenghu 15 in 2019
0.90* 0.86* -0.76 0.86*
Chenghu 15 in 2020
0.85* 0.94** -0.35 0.83*
Dacan 1 in 2020
0.93** 0.87* 0.60 0.96**

Table 3

Correlation analysis of different traits for Chenghu 15 and Dacan 1 with different top pruning number"

Number of
Number of
effective branch
Pods per
per pod
Nodes of
main stem
Chenghu 15 in 2019
始荚高度 0.71
总分枝数 -0.15 -0.31
有效分枝数 -0.63 -0.63 0.36
单株总荚数 0.44 0.15 -0.25 -0.79**
单荚粒数 -0.39 0.09 0.17 0.42 -0.44
主茎节数 0.08 -0.07 0.33 -0.48 0.50 -0.43
荚长 0.18 -0.35 -0.02 -0.35 0.83* -0.46 0.34
百粒重 0.89** 0.86** -0.12 -0.51 0.10 -0.21 0.05 -0.27
Chenghu 15 in 2020
始荚高度 -0.57
总分枝数 -0.42 0.50
有效分枝数 -0.45 0.35 0.87*
单株总荚数 -0.42 -0.14 0.05 0.13
单荚粒数 -0.56 0.36 0.78* 0.95** 0.00
主茎节数 0.02 -0.36 0.13 0.10 0.83* -0.12
荚长 -0.49 0.24 0.55 0.47 0.77* 0.30 0.78*
百粒重 0.78* -0.46 0.07 0.03 -0.61 -0.02 -0.12 -0.40
Dacan 1 in 2020
始荚高度 -0.11
总分枝数 -0.04 0.68
有效分枝数 0.24 0.06 -0.31
单株总荚数 -0.46 -0.29 -0.37 0.56
单荚粒数 0.18 0.22 0.36 0.44 0.41
主茎节数 -0.43 -0.28 -0.69 0.22 0.62 0.05
荚长 0.67 -0.51 -0.50 0.60 0.25 0.18 0.00
百粒重 0.92** -0.40 -0.26 0.41 -0.18 0.19 -0.28 0.83*

Table 4

Effects of different top pruning treatment on broad bean yield at flowering stage"

Yield per
plot (kg)
Chenghu 15 in 2019
CK 3.65 1825.50eD 6
A 4.10 2050.50bcBC 4
B 4.15 2076.00bcBC 3
C 4.35 2176.50bAB 2
D 4.65 2326.50aA 1
E 4.15 2076.00bcBC 3
F 3.90 1951.50ceCD 5
Chenghu 15 in 2020
CK 4.40 2201.10aA 4
A 2.72 1360.65aA 6
B 3.12 1560.75aA 7
C 3.68 1840.95aA 5
D 4.68 2341.20bB 1
E 4.52 2261.10cB 2
F 4.44 2221.05cC 3
Dacan 1 in 2020
CK 5.67 2834.70aA 3
A 3.84 1917.60aA 6
B 4.00 2001.00aA 5
C 5.34 2668.05abAB 4
D 6.00 3001.50bB 1
E 5.84 2918.10cC 2
F 5.84 2918.10cC 2


Regression curves between broad bean yield and the number of top pruning layers at flowering stage a, b and c are regression curves of Chenghu 15 in 2019, Chenghu 15 in 2020 and Dacan 1 in 2020, respectively"

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