Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 103-108.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.01.015

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Effects of Seedling Raising Methods on Seedling Quality, Yield and Quality of Rice in Cold Region

Xia Yuying1(), Wang Zhijun1, Li Hongyu1(), Hu Chuanjun2, Lü Yandong1, Zhao Haicheng1, Zheng Guiping1   

  1. 1College of Agronomy, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing 163319, Heilongjiang, China
    2Beidahuang Kenfeng Seed Co., Ltd., Mudanjiang Branch, Mishan 158300, Heilongjiang, China
  • Received:2021-07-04 Revised:2021-11-09 Online:2023-02-15 Published:2023-02-22


Due to the increasing demand of seedling soil, the selection of substrate plate for seedling cultivation plays an important role in the sustainable development of agriculture. A two-factor random block group was used in the experiment. The test variety was Longjing 31, and the factor A was in four planting areas (Chahayang Farm, Fuyu Pasture, Qiqihar Pedigree Station and Tailai county in Heilongjiang province). The factor B was seedling raising method (substrate plate seedling raising and conventional seedling raising), the effects of substrate plate seedling raising and conventional seedling raising on rice seedling quality were discussed. The results showed that in comparison of rice seedling quality, the interaction between the test site and the seedling method had significant or extremely significant effects on eight seedling quality indexes, including plant height, first leaf length, second leaf length, third leaf length and so on. Except the 2-3 interoccipital interval was no significant difference, first leaf length, second leaf length and third leaf length were significant or extremely significant higher than those of the conventional seedlings, and the length of the first leaf, the third leaf and the root length were the most significant, increased by 28.01%, 29.20% and 33.10%, respectively. In comparison of rice yield and its components, the seed-setting rate of substrate was significantly higher than that of conventional substrate, increasing by 1.36%. In the comparison of rice quality indexes, there was no significant difference between substrate plate and conventional rice quality indexes.

Key words: Rice, Conventional seedling raising, Substrate plate seedling raising, Yield, Quality

Table 1

Basic physical and chemical properties of soil"

Test site
Alkaline hydrolysis
nitrogen (mg/kg)
phosphorus (mg/kg)
Available K
matter (g/kg)
查哈阳农场Chahayang farm 252.0 34.9 156.8 40.6 6.73
富裕牧场Fuyu pasture 131.3 26.6 197.5 36.2 8.07
齐齐哈尔种畜场Qiqihar pedigree station 175.1 11.7 318.2 39.0 8.09
泰来县Tailai county 204.5 33.5 187.4 33.5 6.52

Table 2

Physical and chemical properties of substrate"

指标Indicator 容重Bulk density (g/cm3) 总孔隙度Total porosity (%) 电导率Electrical conductivity (μS/cm) pH
基质板Matrix plate 0.38 71.28 1.40 5.80

Table 3

Comparison of seedling quality in different breeding methods"

The first
leaf length
The second
leaf length
The third
leaf length
The first leaf
sheath length
interval (cm)
interval (cm)
Above ground dry weight of 100
plants (g)
Underground dry
weight of 100
plants (g)
A1 13.98aA 1.66aA 4.46aA 8.50aA 2.82aA 1.20aA 1.57aA 6.38aA 9.57aA 2.83aA 1.09aA
A2 13.67bB 1.56bB 4.44aA 8.24bB 2.76aA 1.13bB 1.53aA 6.33aAB 9.51aA 2.77aAB 1.07aA
A3 13.13cC 1.56bB 4.33abA 7.83cC 2.74aA 1.12bB 1.46bB 6.03bBC 9.22abAB 2.64bBC 1.00bB
A4 12.42dD 1.56bB 4.29bA 7.15dD 2.73aA 1.08bB 1.38cC 5.73cC 8.87bB 2.53cC 0.93cC
B1 14.28aA 1.78aA 4.89aA 8.49aA 3.06aA 1.24aA 1.49aA 6.98aA 9.76aA 2.76aA 1.09aA
B2 12.33bB 1.39bB 3.87bB 7.36bB 2.46bB 1.02bB 1.48aA 5.25bB 8.82bB 2.62bB 0.95bB
FA 119.16** 13.16** 3.06 112.31** 1.13 9.42** 27.20** 14.55** 7.46** 15.25** 48.20**
FB 960.58** 745.56** 502.84** 408.55** 277.45** 202.20** 0.03 491.83** 64.46** 18.27** 151.13**
FFB 37.30** 51.01** 5.33* 12.29** 10.32** 19.61** 4.23* 7.71** 0.67 1.76 1.55


The interaction between the main seedling quality index test sites and seedling raising methods Different capital letters and lowercase letters indicate extremely significant difference (P < 0.01) and significant difference (P < 0.05), respectively"

Table 4

Comparison of rice yield and its components in different seedling raising methods"

Number of panicles (panicle/m2)
Grain number per panicle
Seed-setting rate (%)
1000-grain weight (g)
Yield (kg/hm2)
A1 578.22aA 82.83aA 86.81bB 26.43bB 10 964.88aA
A2 478.10bB 79.85aAB 91.50aA 25.86cB 9034.07bB
A3 553.92aA 71.09bB 86.66bB 26.17bcB 8931.50bB
A4 424.60cB 76.42abAB 90.74aA 27.47aA 8092.27bB
B1 522.63aA 77.58aA 89.53aA 26.38aA 9530.46aA
B2 494.79aA 77.51aA 88.33bA 26.59aA 8980.90aA
FA 23.30** 4.40* 21.55** 18.41** 12.23**
FB 3.64 0.00 4.75* 1.69 2.50
FFB 0.31 1.05 2.69 1.26 0.19

Table 5

Comparison of rice quality in different seedling raising methods"

Brown rice
rate (%)
Polished rice
rate (%)
Head rice
rate (%)
Chalky grain
rate (%)
content (%)
content (%)
Taste score
A1 82.17aA 74.40aA 71.44aA 6.38aA 3.52aA 8.83aA 16.73aA 76.77aA
A2 81.95aA 73.80aA 70.26aAB 6.35aA 3.43aA 8.80aA 16.72aA 75.63aAB
A3 79.54abA 70.65bAB 69.01abAB 5.38aAB 2.90aAB 8.62aA 16.67abA 74.57abAB
A4 78.55bA 69.43bB 67.30bB 2.59bB 1.40bB 8.60aA 15.92bA 72.65bB
B1 80.80aA 72.41aA 70.03aA 5.33aA 2.90aA 8.77aA 16.55aA 75.73aA
B2 80.30aA 71.73aA 68.97aA 5.02aA 2.72aA 8.66aA 16.47aA 74.08aA
FA 3.85* 6.13* 3.75* 5.96* 5.20* 0.67 2.53 3.74*
FB 0.30 0.50 1.36 0.19 0.18 0.54 0.11 3.31
FFB 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.57 0.35 0.79 1.25 0.28
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