Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 143-151.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.01.021

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Effects of Slow/Controlled Release Fertilizer Application on Growth, Yield and Quality of Rice under Salt Stress

Zhai Caijiao1(), Zhang Jiao1(), Cui Shiyou1, Chen Pengjun2, Han Jijun2   

  1. 1Jiangsu Yanjiang Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Nantong 226012, Jiangsu, China
    2Jiangsu Geological Bureau/Engineering Technology Innovation Center for Ecological Improvement and Sustainable Utilization of Coastal Saline-Alkali Land, Nanjing 210007, Jiangsu, China
  • Received:2021-10-13 Revised:2021-12-22 Online:2023-02-15 Published:2023-02-22


To explore the effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer application on rice growth, yield and rice quality under salt stress, Nanjing 5055 was used as material to conduct pot experiments. Three salt levels and four nitrogen fertilizer types were set in the experiment, three soil salt levels including 0.0 (S0), 1.5 (S1) and 3.0g/kg (S2), and four nitrogen fertilizer types including urea (F1), slow-release special fertilizer for rice (F2), large granule urea (F3) and sulfur-coated urea (F4). The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer application in each treatment were the same. Treatment without nitrogen fertilizer were set up as control (CK). The results showed that, the maximum tiller number, plant height and percentage of productive tillers of F2 treatment were higher than those of other treatments under salt stress. Compared with F1 treatment, the yields of F2, F3 and F4 treatments were increased by 11.89%, 5.58% and 17.14% under S0 level, respectively. Under S1 and S2 levels, the yield of F2 treatment were 30.28% and 37.20% higher than that of F1 treatment, respectively. But F3 and F4 treatments had poor yield increase. Under S1 and S2 levels, the increase of F2 yield were mainly due to the significant increase of effective panicle number and grain number per panicle and 1000-grain weight. The grain weight per panicle of F2, grain weight, 1000-grain weight and seed-setting rate of primary branch, grain weight and 1000-grain weight of the secondary branch of F2 treatment were higher than those of other treatments under salt stress. Under S1 and S2 levels, F2 treatment had higher brown rice rate, milled rice rate, gel-consistency and lower amylose and protein content. Under the conditions of this experiment, F2 treatment had the best yield increase, and had certain favorable effects on improving rice quality under salt stress. F2 treatment could alleviate the damage of salt stress to rice to a certain extent.

Key words: Rice, Salt stress, Slow/controlled release fertilizer, Yield, Quality


Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer on tiller growth dynamics of rice under salt stress"


Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer on percentage of productive tillers under salt stress"


Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer on rice plant height under salt stress"

Table 1

Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer on rice yield and its components under salt stress"

Yield of per
hole (g)
Number of effective
panicles per hole
Grains number
per panicle
weight (g)
rate (%)
S0 CK 11.14gh 6.00gh 74.94bcd 26.55d 89.92abc
F1 30.11c 13.11cd 81.21a 29.42b 93.61ab
F2 33.69ab 14.44abc 80.94a 30.25a 94.56a
F3 31.79bc 15.11a 77.45abc 27.63c 94.62a
F4 35.27a 15.67a 77.66abc 29.71b 94.82a
S1 CK 4.71jk 4.22i 66.39e 19.62i 81.22cd
F1 19.19e 12.00de 80.39ab 23.61f 82.73cd
F2 25.00d 14.89ab 73.19cd 25.50e 85.32bcd
F3 19.50e 13.33bcd 73.43cd 21.58g 80.87d
F4 15.97f 12.56de 67.16e 20.65h 80.17d
S2 CK 1.79k 2.33j 73.46cd 13.18n 55.37f
F1 9.30hi 10.11f 70.64de 16.60l 68.14e
F2 12.76g 11.00ef 77.08abc 18.70j 68.18e
F3 6.34ij 5.78hi 77.90abc 17.06k 59.71ef
F4 5.73j 7.56g 75.92abcd 13.88m 55.11f
方差分析Variance analysis
盐分处理Salinity (S) ** ** ** ** **
施肥处理Fertilizer (F) ** ** ** ** *
S×F ** ** ** ** ns


Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer on agronomic efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer under salt stress"

Table 2

Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer on panicle traits in rice under salt stress"

Length per
panicle (cm)
Weight per
panicle (g)
Total filled grains
per panicle
Grain weight
per panicle (g)
Grain density
S0 CK 13.43def 1.90c 67.40bc 1.86c 5.58bcd
F1 14.41a 2.39a 76.04a 2.29ab 5.64bc
F2 14.07abc 2.45a 76.58a 2.34a 5.75ab
F3 14.20ab 2.20b 73.29ab 2.11b 5.45bcd
F4 13.99abcd 2.34ab 73.64ab 2.26ab 5.55bcd
S1 CK 11.93h 1.13gh 53.93def 1.12f 5.57bcd
F1 13.20efg 1.67de 66.53bc 1.60de 6.09a
F2 13.93abcd 1.76cd 62.36cd 1.68cd 5.26de
F3 13.67bcde 1.53e 59.36cde 1.46e 5.37cd
F4 13.58cde 1.33f 53.82ef 1.27f 4.95e
S2 CK 12.65g 0.76j 40.98g 0.71h 5.81ab
F1 12.93fg 0.96hi 48.33fg 0.91g 5.47bcd
F2 13.44def 1.22fg 52.75ef 1.15f 5.74ab
F3 13.55cde 1.17fg 46.43fg 1.11f 5.75ab
F4 13.44def 0.79ij 41.91g 0.76gh 5.65bc
方差分析Variance analysis
盐分处理Salinity (S) ** ** ** ** *
施肥处理Fertilizer (F) ** ** ** ** *
S×F * * ns * **

Table 3

Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer on characteristics of primary and secondary branches in rice under salt stress"

一次枝梗Primary branch 二次枝梗Secondary branch
GWPB (g)
1000-GW (g)
SRPB (%)
GWSB (g)
1000-GW (g)
SRSB (%)
S0 CK 8.15bc 1.30b 45.75abc 27.97e 91.33ab 11.27abcd 0.56cd 21.66bcd 25.14e 87.12a
F1 9.02a 1.59a 51.08a 30.44c 95.11a 12.30ab 0.70ab 24.96ab 27.42c 90.65a
F2 8.47ab 1.58a 50.23a 31.44a 96.14a 12.49a 0.77a 26.35a 28.64a 91.65a
F3 8.39ab 1.46a 49.50a 28.48d 96.13a 11.50abcd 0.64bc 23.78abc 26.20d 91.62a
F4 7.79bcd 1.47a 46.62ab 30.94b 96.35a 12.27ab 0.78a 27.02a 28.15b 92.26a
S1 CK 7.05ef 0.80fg 38.79defg 19.84j 86.01bc 10.00d 0.32g 15.14gh 18.58j 71.29b
F1 7.86bcd 1.11cd 45.79abc 24.41g 90.87ab 12.58a 0.49de 20.74cde 21.84g 68.85b
F2 7.46de 1.17bc 43.06bcd 26.51f 91.43ab 10.97bcd 0.51de 19.30def 24.12f 74.12b
F3 7.38def 1.03de 42.28bcde 22.12h 89.86abc 11.33abcd 0.43ef 17.08efg 19.99h 64.64b
F4 6.78f 0.91ef 38.58defg 21.41i 88.25abc 10.27cd 0.36fg 15.24fgh 18.98i 65.09b
S2 CK 7.96bcd 0.53i 31.82h 13.63n 64.41f 10.85bcd 0.18i 9.16i 12.75n 37.29de
F1 7.57cde 0.69gh 36.82efgh 16.70l 76.65de 10.14d 0.22hi 11.51hi 15.89l 49.97c
F2 7.70cde 0.86f 40.58cdef 19.47j 81.22cd 11.76abc 0.29gh 12.17hi 17.76k 43.91cd
F3 7.66cde 0.81fg 35.53fgh 18.07k 72.59def 11.97ab 0.30gh 10.90i 15.84l 38.26de
F4 7.43def 0.58hi 33.48gh 14.30m 68.77ef 11.48abcd 0.18i 8.43i 13.25m 30.56e
方差分析Variance analysis
盐分处理Salinity (S) ** ** ** ** ** * ** ** ** **
施肥处理Fertilizer (F) ** ** ** ** * ns ** * ** ns
S×F ns ns ns ** ns * ** ns ** ns

Table 4

Effects of slow/controlled release fertilizer on main quality traits of rice under salt stress"

BR (%)
MR (%)
HMR (%)
KL (mm)
GC (mm)
AC (%)
PC (%)
S0 CK 81.8f 73.0g 71.7b 4.6ab 1.6a 78.0f 10.6a 7.5i
F1 84.2c 75.6c 70.8d 4.7a 1.6a 84.0a 8.7d 8.5g
F2 85.0a 76.3a 72.2a 4.7a 1.6a 82.0b 9.4b 9.8a
F3 84.6b 75.8bc 69.9e 4.6ab 1.6a 80.0d 9.3b 9.2d
F4 84.4bc 75.9b 68.1g 4.6ab 1.6a 80.7c 8.3f 8.8f
S1 CK 80.0g 69.9h 69.3f 4.5b 1.6a 79.0e 9.4b 8.1h
F1 83.1e 73.8f 72.2a 4.6ab 1.7a 76.0g 8.8d 8.9e
F2 83.7d 74.6d 71.6b 4.6ab 1.6a 78.0f 8.4ef 9.3c
F3 83.0e 74.0f 71.1c 4.6ab 1.7a 78.0f 8.5e 9.5b
F4 83.1e 74.3e 72.1a 4.6ab 1.7a 78.0f 9.1c 9.5b
方差分析Variance analysis
盐分处理Salinity (S) ** ** ** ns ns ** ** **
施肥处理Fertilizer (F) ** ** ** ns ns ** ** **
S×F * ** ** ns ns ** ** **
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