Crops ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 80-85.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2023.03.011

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The Agronomic Characteristics and Sensitivity Identification to GA3 of a Dwarf Mutant Hai 5 in Panicum miliaceum L.

Guo Yingjie1,3(), Liu Yang1,3, Liu Xiaojie1,3, Wei Wei1,3, Wang Yao1,3, Zhang Shuai1, Wang Zhenshan2,3, Yan Liuyan2,3, Zhu Xuehai1,3(), Jia Xiaoping2,3()   

  1. 1Zhangjiakou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhangjiakou 075000, Hebei, China
    2College of Agronomy, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471000, Henan, China
    3Zhangjiakou Hybrid Broomcorn Millet Technical Innovation Center, Zhangjiakou 075000, Hebei, China
  • Received:2022-01-11 Revised:2022-03-25 Online:2023-06-15 Published:2023-06-16


A dwarf mutant Hai 5 (dm5) in Panicum miliaceum L. was generated by EMS (ethyl methyl sulfonic acid) mutagenesis in landrace/historical cultivar Shihuqianjinmei, and its agronomic characteristics and phenotypic characteristics after spraying GA3 were analyzed using the morphological and cytological methods. The results showed that the plant height of dm5 was 60.72cm. The leaves were yellow at seedling stage and gradually turned green as the plant matured. Compared with wild type wt260, the plant height, panicle handle length, panicle height and internodes length of dm5 were significantly decreased, in which the 1st to 4th internodes were relatively decreased, as well as the number of tillers increased significantly. After spraying exogenous GA3, the plant height, panicle handle length and panicle height of dm5 increased significantly, while the number of stem nodes did not change significantly. It was preliminarily speculated that dm5 was sensitive to exogenous gibberellin and was a endogenous gibberellin synthesis defect type dwarf mutant. The internode length from the 1st to the 4th increased significantly, while the internode length from the 5th to the 8th had no significant change, indicating that the base stem node length had a great influence on the plant height of dwarf mutant in P.miliaceum L.. Longitudinal observation of the main stem cells revealed that the dwarfing of dm5 might be caused by the decrease in the length of the longitudinal cells of the stem node, and the increase of the plant heigth after spraying GA3 was caused by the elongation of the longitudinal cells. In conclusion, dm5 could be used as a dwarf breeding material for P.miliaceum L..

Key words: Panicum miliaceum L., Dwarf mutant, Agronomic characteristics, GA3


Plants of wt260 and dm5 at seedling and mature stages"

Table 1

Comparison of chlorophyll contents (SPAD value) of wt260 and dm5 at different stages"

生长时期Growth stage wt260 dm5
苗期Seedling stage 30.14±0.53A 19.96±0.77B
抽穗期Earing stage 31.53±0.65A 31.16±0.47A
成熟期Mature stage 24.40±1.18B 29.61±1.69A

Table 2

Agronomic traits of wt260 and dm5"

农艺性状Agronomic trait wt260 dm5
株高Plant height (cm) 104.72±2.63 60.72±1.15**
茎粗Stem diameter (mm) 6.36±0.44 5.48±0.40
茎节数Number of internode 8.70±0.26 8.60±0.16
分蘖数Tiller number 1.50±0.22 6.40±0.56**
穗柄长Panicle handle length (cm) 10.11±0.59 6.42±0.35**
穗长Panicle height (cm) 16.12±0.68 13.52±0.47**
倒3叶长度Inverted 3 leaf length (cm) 37.58±1.07 35.87±1.06
倒3叶宽度Inverted 3 leaf width (cm) 2.82±0.17 2.92±0.07
倒3叶叶面积Inverted 3 leaf area (cm2) 85.67±7.19 83.83±3.23


Internode length changes of wt260 and dm5 “**”indicates signi?cant differences at P < 0.01 level, the same below"

Table 3

Main phenotypic changes of wt260 and dm5 before and after spraying GA3"

Spraying GA3
株高Plant height (cm) wt260 104.72±2.63 133.20±3.43**
dm5 60.72±1.15 79.20±2.01**
茎节数Number of internodes wt260 8.70±0.26 9.20±0.37
dm5 8.60±0.16 8.20±0.37
Panicle handle length (cm)
wt260 10.11±0.59 12.80±1.24*
dm5 6.42±0.35 9.58±0.27**
穗长Panicle length (cm) wt260 16.12±0.68 19.00±0.96*
dm5 13.52±0.47 16.70±1.03**


Internode length change of wt260 (a) and dm5 (b) before and after spraying GA3"


Main stem longitudinal observation of wt260 and dm5 before and after spraying GA3"

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