Crops ›› 2018, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 129-135.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2018.02.023

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Effects of Sowing Amount, Medium and Chemical Treatment on Seedling Quality and Yield of High Quality Late-Rice Variety of Yuzhenxiang

Zhou Zhibo1,2,Yi Yake1,2,Chen Guanghui1,2   

  1. 1 College of Agronomy, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, Hunan, China
    2 Southern Regional Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain and Oil Crops in China, Changsha 410128, Hunan, China
  • Received:2017-10-16 Revised:2018-02-05 Online:2018-04-20 Published:2018-08-27


In order to clarify the factors affecting the seedling quality and yield characters of rice, the effects of sowing amount, seedling raising medium and chemical treatment on seedling quality and yield characters were studied in this experiment. The sowing amount of 150g per disk had moderate seedling height, larger stem base width of seedling and shoot fresh weight, more numbers of tillers and the highest seed setting rate, largest yield per plant compared with that of 125g per disk and 175g per disk, and it had good potential for high yield and stable production. In addition, the seedling raising, spike and yield increasing effect were better by Xianghui medium than by field soil. (2)Under the treatment of soaking seed and no washing with formula I (30L water mixed with 1 package of Prochloraz containing 25% effective components and 3 packages of Uniconazole containing 5% effective components) and spraying the solution of formula II (mixture of formula I and 40g urea) on bast fiber film before sowing, the seedlings had higher robustness and stronger tillering ability, panicle number per plant and seed setting rate were more than the other agents treatment, and single rice plant had the greatest yield after transplanting.

Key words: High quality rice, Yuzhenxiang, Sowing amount, Chemical treatment, Bast fiber film, Xianghui medium

Table 1

Chemical treatment test scheme"

处理Treatment 浸种溶液Seed soaking solution 浸种后种子处理Seed treatment after seed soaking 播种前处理Pre sowing treatment
T1 配方I药剂 洗净
T2 配方I药剂 未洗
T3 配方I药剂 洗净 秧盘内垫铺麻育秧膜且膜上喷施配方II药剂溶液
T4 配方I药剂 未洗 秧盘内垫铺麻育秧膜且膜上喷施配方II药剂溶液
T0 清水浸种 洗净 秧盘内垫铺麻育秧膜且膜上喷施配方II药剂溶液

Table 2

Variance analysis on seedling quality of different sowing amount and seedling raising substrate"

变异来源Source of variation 离差平方和SS df 均方MS F P
播种量 苗高Seedling height 35.297 2 17.649 45.010 0.000
Sowing amount 茎基宽Stem base width 0.640 2 0.320 9.370 0.004
单株平均分蘖数Average tillers per plant 0.001 2 0.001 3.219 0.076
地上部鲜重Shoot fresh weight 2.312 2 1.156 9.514 0.003
育秧基质 苗高Seedling height 172.546 1 172.546 440.051 0.000
Seedling raising substrate 茎基宽Stem base width 0.084 1 0.084 2.462 0.143
单株平均分蘖数Average tillers per plant 0.006 1 0.006 32.000 0.000
地上部鲜重Shoot fresh weight 5.723 1 5.723 47.105 0.000
播种量×育秧基质 苗高Seedling height 42.838 2 21.419 54.625 0.000
Sowing amount× 茎基宽Stem base width 0.539 2 0.270 7.901 0.006
Seedling raising substrate 单株平均分蘖数Average tillers per plant 0.001 2 0.001 3.219 0.076
地上部鲜重Shoot fresh weight 1.461 2 0.730 6.011 0.016

Table 3

Effects of sowing amount and seedling raising substrate on the quality of seedlings"

Sowing amount
Seedling substrate
Seedling height
Stem base width
Average tillers per plant
Shoot fresh weight
A1 B1 24.807a 2.770a 0.033a 2.407bc
B2 14.287c 2.343b 0 1.927cd
A2 B1 18.243b 2.403b 0.050a 3.820a
B2 14.697c 2.070bc 0 1.953cd
A3 B1 18.950b 1.933c 0.027a 2.610b
B2 14.440c 2.283b 0 1.573d


Effects of sowing amount and seedling raising substrate on plant height and spike length of rice"

Table 4

Effects of seeding amount and seedling raising substrate on yield and yield components of rice"

Seeding amount
Seedling substrate
Grains per panicle
Panicles per plant
1000-grain weight
Grain setting rate
Yield per plant
A1 B1 91.03±3.57a 15.62±0.54a 25.00±0.20d 84.83±1.79b 30.15±1.43a
B2 85.56±13.26a 11.50±2.00c 27.67±0.12a 85.28±1.70ab 22.77±0.57b
A2 B1 96.12±11.83a 14.09±0.16ab 26.33±0.06b 88.28±1.34a 31.53±4.40a
B2 90.58±7.70a 13.76±0.25ab 25.70±0.26c 84.90±0.19ab 27.21±2.75ab
A3 B1 90.07±5.04a 12.56±0.51bc 27.60±0.10a 86.61±1.96ab 26.99±0.44ab
B2 102.10±4.29a 13.15±0.25bc 25.83±0.32c 84.98±1.52ab 29.46±2.07a

Table 5

Variance analysis on quality of rice seedling treated with different chemicals"

变异来源Source of variation 离差平方和SS df 均方MS F P
苗高Seedling height 组间Between groups 291.405 4 72.851 855.865 0.000
组内Within groups 0.851 10 0.085
茎基宽Stem base width 组间Between groups 2.261 4 0.565 543.452 0.000
组内Within groups 0.010 10 0.001
单株平均分蘖数Average tillers per plant 组间Between groups 0.010 4 0.002 4.165 0.031
组内Within groups 0.006 10 0.001
地上部鲜重Shoot fresh weight 组间Between groups 3.182 4 0.795 7.479 0.005
组内Within groups 1.064 10 0.106


Effects of chemical treatments on seedling quality of rice"


Effects of chemical treatments on plant height and panicle length of rice"

Table 6

Effects of different chemical treatments on yield and yield components of rice"

Grains per panicle
Panicles per plant
1000-grain weight
Grain setting rate
Yield per plant
T1 91.64±6.85a 14.35±0.56c 27.30±0.20b 84.61±2.21a 30.51±4.41ab
T2 80.11±0.83a 16.90±0.17ab 28.67±0.25a 85.40±0.11a 33.14±0.30ab
T3 86.94±8.83a 16.63±0.55b 27.40±0.10b 79.72±2.13b 31.71±4.92ab
T4 87.61±14.62a 17.46±0.51a 27.07±0.29b 85.85±1.89a 35.51±5.87a
T0 96.19±7.38a 11.94±0.11d 27.30±0.27b 83.21±3.72ab 26.12±3.03b
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