Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 150-157.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.04.021

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Effects of Interannual Meteorological Factors on Maize Dry Matter Accumulation and Yield in the Hilly Area of Southwest China

Li Qiang1(), Kong Fanlei2, Yuan Jichao2()   

  1. 1Institute of Special Plants, Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences/Chongqing Collaborative Innovation Center of Special Plant Industry/Chongqing Key Laboratory of Economic Plant Biotechnology, Yongchuan 402160, Chongqing, China
    2College of Agronomy, Sichuan Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in Southwest China, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affaris, Chengdu 611130, Sichuan, China
  • Received:2019-11-22 Revised:2019-11-28 Online:2020-08-15 Published:2020-08-11
  • Contact: Yuan Jichao;


Based on the field experiments and meteorological data from 2011 to 2016, the effects of interannual meteorological factors on dry matter accumulation and yield of maize in the hilly area of Southwest China were studied to provide theoretical support for the high and stable yield of maize production in the hilly area of Southwest China. The results showed that there were abundant water and heat resources in the hilly area of Southwest China, but there were obvious interannual fluctuations in meteorological factors, with the largest fluctuation in precipitation and the smallest fluctuation in accumulated temperature, the distribution of precipitation, accumulated temperature and sunshine hours at different growth stages of maize were also different. Accumulated temperature was the main limiting factor for maize morphological formation during the early growth stage. The accumulated temperature during pre-flowering and sunshine and precipitation during post-flowering jointly regulated the dry matter accumulation, whereas different meteorological factors affected the yield traits. Therefore, the production of maize in the hilly area of Southwest China can be improved by adjusting the sowing date. High accumulated temperature during the early stage of maize promotes plant growth and development. Reducing precipitation and increasing sunshine hours during post-flowering can improve the grain filling and increase yield.

Key words: Hilly area of southwest China, Maize, Meteorological factors, Dry matter accumulation, Yield


Meteorological data of experimental site from 2011 to 2016 AN: annual; WGP: whole growth stage; SS: sowing-silking stage; SM: silking-mature stage"


Plant height and leaf area index of maize in different years Different lowercase letters indicate significant difference P < 0.05. The same below"


Differences of dry matter accumulation in different years"

Table 1

Differences of pre-flowering dry matter translocation and post-flowering dry matter assimilation in different years"

品种Cultivar 年份Year DMT (t/hm2) PDMT (t/hm2) DMTE (%) CAG (%) CPAG (%)
正红311 2011 1.32a 6.10d 24.31ab 17.73a 82.27d
Zhenghong 311 2012 0.60de 5.32ef 11.63de 10.34bc 89.66bc
2013 0.50ef 7.26b 7.81efg 6.40cd 93.60ab
2014 0.47ef 7.35b 7.85efg 5.97cd 94.03ab
2015 0.30fg 7.16b 4.83fg 3.99d 96.01a
2016 0.24g 7.84a 3.85g 3.00d 97.00a
先玉508 2011 1.26a 4.98f 29.24a 20.17a 79.83d
Xianyu 508 2012 0.96b 3.99g 27.27ab 19.48a 80.52d
2013 1.28a 5.38e 23.17b 19.29a 80.71d
2014 0.89bc 5.93d 17.86c 13.04b 86.96c
2015 0.73cd 5.12ef 13.72cd 12.49b 87.51c
2016 0.52ef 6.58c 9.40def 7.28cd 92.72ab
F 品种Cultivar (C) 51.30** 100.53** 28.29** 23.78** 23.78**
F-value 年份Year (Y) 25.71** 23.40** 9.92* 7.20* 7.20*
C×Y 4.75** 2.67* 3.31* 2.78* 2.78*

Table 2

Changes of yield and panicle characters of maize in different years"

Ear length (cm)
Ear diameter (cm)
Kernel number per ear
1000-kernel weight (g)
Yield (kg/hm2)
正红311 2011 17.76bc 5.58a 470.11de 306.11bc 6 690.78ef
Zhenghong 311 2012 16.58ef 5.25bc 453.99ef 304.13cd 5 853.90g
2013 17.93b 5.31b 495.51bc 310.26bc 7 194.02bc
2014 18.18b 5.33b 509.02ab 307.17bc 7 444.27b
2015 17.29cd 5.21bcd 484.43cd 295.71d 6 768.98de
2016 19.34a 5.54a 521.31a 312.80abc 7 890.13a
先玉508 2011 17.18cde 5.04de 414.24i 315.56ab 5 941.49g
Xianyu 508 2012 14.51g 4.97e 369.56j 309.17bc 4 803.90h
2013 17.08de 5.08cde 433.07gh 312.13bc 6 557.02ef
2014 17.23cd 5.05de 438.06fg 311.44bc 6 429.93f
2015 16.21f 5.00e 423.27gh 307.95bc 6 071.88g
2016 17.65bcd 5.08cde 463.24e 322.30a 6 964.87cd
F 品种Cultivar (C) 27.18** 37.00** 227.93** 19.37** 141.61**
F-value 年份Year (Y) 12.57** 1.76ns 27.23** 7.06* 68.37**
C×Y 3.52* 5.49** 1.28ns 1.77ns 1.82ns

Table 3

Correlation coefficients of dry matter accumulation and yield of maize with meteorological factors"

指标Index 降水量Precipitation (mm) 积温Accumulated temperature (℃) 日照时数Sunshine hours (h)
株高Plant height (cm) -0.173 -0.494 - -0.774 -0.730 - -0.791 0.453 -
叶面积指数Leaf area index -0.203 -0.705 - -0.677 -0.883* - -0.612 0.331 -
花前物质积累DMA (t/hm2) 0.208 -0.590 - -0.782 -0.941** - -0.589 0.466 -
花后物质积累PDMA (t/hm2) -0.246 -0.714 -0.637 -0.683 -0.587 -0.267 -0.617 0.203 -0.716
生物量Biomass (t/hm2) -0.051 -0.710 -0.447 -0.787 -0.848* -0.114 -0.652 0.337 -0.668
花前物质转运量DMT (t/hm2) 0.062 -0.901* 0.564 -0.353 -0.828* 0.762 -0.125 0.244 -0.002
花后物质同化量PDMT (t/hm2) -0.145 -0.630 -0.493 -0.774 -0.836* -0.091 -0.729 0.372 -0.751
花前物质转运率DMTE (%) -0.003 -0.911* 0.508 -0.519 -0.858* 0.579 -0.107 0.017 -0.162
花前转运贡献率CAG (%) 0.116 -0.895* 0.614 -0.524 -0.919** 0.617 -0.176 0.022 -0.262
花后同化贡献率CPAG (%) -0.116 -0.895* -0.614 -0.524 -0.919** -0.617 -0.176 -0.022 -0.262
穗长Ear length (cm) -0.239 -0.289 -0.392 -0.777 -0.627 0.169 -0.877* 0.374 -0.955**
穗粗Ear diameter (cm) -0.338 -0.191 -0.218 -0.575 -0.225 0.284 -0.670 0.039 -0.908*
穗粒数Kernel number per ear -0.148 -0.597 -0.478 -0.791 -0.821* -0.047 -0.755 0.363 -0.793
千粒重1000-kernel weight (g) -0.026 -0.238 -0.769 -0.724 -0.452 -0.562 -0.426 -0.216 -0.751
产量Yield (kg/hm2) -0.104 -0.513 -0.688 -0.820* -0.740 -0.779 -0.806* 0.409 -0.831*
平均绝对值Average of absolute value 0.145 -0.618 0.535 -0.672 -0.748 0.407 -0.541 0.258 -0.588
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