Crops ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 195-201.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2020.04.028

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Effects of Different Fertilizer Treatments on Yield, Quality and Economic Benefit of Foxtail Millet in Dry Farming Area of Shanxi Province

Yang Yongqing1(), Gao Fangfang1, Ma Yajun1, Chen Xin1, Zhang Jie1,2,3()   

  1. 1College of Life Sciences, Shanxi Normal University, Linfen 041000, Shanxi, China
    2The 24th Technique Extension Station of National Research and Extension Center of Microbial Fertilizer Technology, Linfen 041000, Shanxi, China
    3Shenchi County Science and Technology Service Center, Xinzhou 036100, Shanxi, China
  • Received:2019-11-30 Revised:2020-05-04 Online:2020-08-15 Published:2020-08-11
  • Contact: Zhang Jie;


Zhangzagu No.6 was used as the experimental material to study the effects of four different fertilization treatments (single compound fertilizer, 1/2 compound fertilizer+organic fertilizer, 1/2 compound fertilizer+microbial agent, 1/2 compound fertilizer+bio-organic fertilizer) on the agronomic characteristics, yield, quality and economic benefits of foxtail millet. The results showed that there was no significant difference in agronomic characteristics of foxtail millet treated with 1/2 compound fertilizer+organic fertilizer and 1/2 compound fertilizer+microbial agent. The plant height, ear length and stem length under ear treated with 1/2 compound fertilizer+bio-organic fertilizer increased by 5.0%, 7.8% and 4.4% compared with those treated with single compound fertilizer. Compared with the single application of compound fertilizer, the yield and economic benefit of 1/2 compound fertilizer+bio-organic fertilizer increased by 20.4% and 5.8% respectively, and the content of protein, fat and starch of foxtail millet increased by 16.5%, 19.9% and 49.2% respectively. The treatments of 1/2 compound fertilizer+organic fertilizer, 1/2 compound fertilizer+microbial agent and 1/2 compound fertilizer+bio-organic fertilizer could improve the soil fertility in different degrees. The treatment of 1/2 compound fertilizer+bio-organic fertilizer increase the soil organic matter, hydrolyzed nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium by 16.5%, 19.9%, 49.2% and 6.6% compared with those before treating in 2017; and increased by 5.9%, 1.1%, 13.2% and 8.3% in 2018, respectively. Therefore, comprehensive consideration of yield, net income and quality, 1/2 compound fertilizer combined with bio-organic fertilizer is the optimal fertilization method.

Key words: Foxtail millet, Compound fertilizer, Organic fertilizer, Microbial agent, Yield and quality, Economic benefit

Table 1

Soil nutrient content in three experimental fields"

Organic matter (%)
Available nitrogen (mg/kg)
Available phosphorus (mg/kg)
Available potassium (mg/kg)
虎北乡Hubei 1.15 48.5 5.0 135.7
东湖乡Donghu 1.69 66.2 8.8 145.0
长畛乡Changzhen 1.48 65.7 5.2 123.0

Table 2

Fertilizer used for the test"

肥料种类Type of fertilizer 剂型Formulation 技术指标Technical indicator 功能微生物Function microbial
有机肥Organic fertilizer 颗粒 有机质≥45%,N+P2O5+K2O 5%
生物有机肥Bio-organic fertilizer 颗粒 有机质≥40%,有效活菌数(CFU)≥0.2亿/g 枯草芽孢杆菌、胶冻样类芽孢杆菌
复合肥Compound fertilizer 颗粒 N+P2O5+K2O 51%
微生物菌剂Microbial agent 粉末 有效活菌数(CFU)≥2.0亿/g 枯草芽孢杆菌、地衣芽孢杆菌

Table 3

Fertilizing treatments and demonstration areas"

Compound fertilizer
Organic fertilizer
Microbial agent
Bio-organic fertilizer
Demonstration area
2017 CF 600 0 0 0 4
CFOF 300 3 000 0 0 4
CFMA 300 0 300 0 4
CFBF 300 0 0 3 000 4
2018 CF 600 0 0 0 28
CFOF 300 3 000 0 0 28
CFMA 300 0 300 0 28
CFBF 300 0 0 3 000 28
2019 CFBF 300 0 0 3 000 112

Table 4

Effects of different fertilization treatments on agronomic characters of foxtail millet cm"

株高Plant height 穗长Ear length 穗下茎长Stem length below panicle
2017 2018 平均Average 2017 2018 平均Average 2017 2018 平均Average
CF 134.7c 122.2b 128.5c 24.0c 21.9a 23.0c 110.7c 100.3b 105.5c
CFOF 139.0b 123.9b 131.5b 25.2b 22.3a 23.8b 113.8b 101.6b 107.7b
CFMA 139.5ab 122.7b 131.1b 25.2ab 22.5a 23.9b 114.2a 100.2b 107.2b
CFBF 142.9a 126.9a 134.9a 26.3a 23.2a 24.8a 116.5a 103.7a 110.1a

Table 5

Effects of different fertilization treatments on foxtail millet yield"

Millet yield
Millet yield
Milled rice
rate (%)
2017 CF 6 252.0 4 383.0 70.1
CFOF 7 059.0 4 941.3 70.0
CFMA 6 243.0 4 432.5 71.0
CFBF 7 791.0 5 664.1 72.7
2018 CF 5 512.5 3 859.5 70.0
CFOF 5 950.5 4 225.5 71.0
CFMA 5 865.0 4 140.0 70.6
CFBF 6 405.0 4 734.3 73.4

Table 6

Effects of different fertilization treatments on economic benefits of foxtail millet"

General income (yuan/hm2)
Cost of production (yuan/hm2)
Net income (yuan/hm2)
Average net income
than CF (%)
2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018
CF 21 256.8 18 742.5 1 950.0 1 950.0 19 306.8 16 792.5 18 049.7 -
CFOF 24 000.6 20 231.7 3 570.0 3 570.0 20 430.6 16 661.7 18 546.2 2.8
CFMA 21 226.2 19 941.0 4 620.0 4 620.0 16 606.2 15 321.0 15 963.6 -11.6
CFBF 26 489.4 21 777.0 4 980.0 4 980.0 21 509.4 16 797.0 19 153.2 6.1

Table 7

Effects of different fertilization treatments on foxtail millet quality g/100g"

蛋白质Protein 脂肪Fat 淀粉Starch
2017 2018 2017 2018 2017 2018
CF 9.6b 9.6c 3.6b 3.2c 62.7c 68.3b
CFOF 9.5b 10.0b 3.4b 3.7b 64.2b 70.7b
CFMA 9.7b 10.3b 4.0a 3.8b 64.0b 68.6a
CFBF 10.1a 12.2a 3.8a 4.1a 65.3a 71.0a

Table 8

Effects of different fertilizer treatments on nutrient content in soil"

试验前Pre-test 试验后Post-test
2017 CF 1.15a 46.7a 5.0a 134a 1.02c 44.2d 3.57c 120c
CFOF 1.13a 46.7a 5.0a 136a 1.28b 50.9c 6.20b 139b
CFMA 1.17a 47.0a 5.2a 137a 1.23b 52.5b 6.48b 144a
CFBF 1.15a 46.8a 5.2a 136a 1.34a 56.1a 7.76a 145a
2018 CF 1.64a 66.0a 8.9a 145a 1.62b 61.4c 7.81c 132c
CFOF 1.58a 66.6a 9.1a 143a 1.66b 71.4a 9.30b 149b
CFMA 1.71a 65.8a 8.8a 142a 1.75a 68.9b 9.45b 152b
CFBF 1.69a 66.2a 8.8a 145a 1.79a 66.9b 9.96a 157a

Table 9

Yield and economic benefits of foxtail millet of CFBF treatment in 2019"

area (hm2)
Grain yield
Millet yield
Milled rice
rate (%)
General income
Cost of production
Net income
112 7 050.0 6 000.0 85.7 23 970.0 4 980.0 18 990.0
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