作物杂志,2024, 第4期: 232–239 doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2024.04.030

• 生理生化·植物营养·栽培耕作 • 上一篇    下一篇


周新(), 朱定英, 赵香龙, 陈功喜, 王建林()   

  1. 西藏农牧学院植物科学学院,860000,西藏林芝
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-12 修回日期:2023-06-06 出版日期:2024-08-15 发布日期:2024-08-14
  • 通讯作者: 王建林,主要从事生物多样性与植物生态方面的研究,E-mail:xzwangjl@126.com
  • 作者简介:周新,主要从事高原作物栽培生理与生态方面的研究,E-mail:1498558986@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Slow-Release Urea Combined with Fulvic Acid on the Development and Grain Filling Characteristics of Longzi Black Highland Barley

Zhou Xin(), Zhu Dingying, Zhao Xianglong, Chen Gongxi, Wang Jianlin()   

  1. Plant Science College, Tibet Agriculture & Animal Husbandry University, Linzhi 860000, Tibet, China
  • Received:2023-04-12 Revised:2023-06-06 Online:2024-08-15 Published:2024-08-14


研究不同缓释尿素配施黄腐酸对隆子黑青稞生长发育及籽粒灌浆特性的影响,为隆子黑青稞的高产栽培提供理论依据。以隆子黑青稞为试验材料,采用随机区组设计,使用人工测量结合计算机图像识别技术,分析了隆子黑青稞灌浆过程中籽粒表型和粒色的动态变化。结果表明,各缓释尿素配施黄腐酸处理均可增加隆子黑青稞籽粒面积、粒长和粒宽,提高隆子黑青稞籽粒重,增加黑青稞千粒重;籽粒颜色变化主要在花后14 d,籽粒开始着色,并随灌浆进程的推进颜色加深,花后28 d,种胚开始着色,直至成熟期整个籽粒着色,且颜色达到最深;最大灌浆速率、渐增期灌浆速率和快增期灌浆速率与千粒重呈极显著正相关;缓增期灌浆速率与千粒重呈显著正相关,提高灌浆速率和延长灌浆持续时间是增加黑青稞产量的有效措施。缓释尿素配施黄腐酸提高了黑青稞籽粒灌浆能力和千粒重。

关键词: 缓释尿素, 黄腐酸, 隆子黑青稞, 籽粒灌浆特性


In order to provide theoretical basis for the high-yield cultivation of Longzi black highland barley, we studied the effects of different slow-release urea combined with fulvic acid on the growth and grain filling characteristics of Longzi black highland barley. The dynamic changes of grain phenotype and grain color in filling period of Longzi black highland barley were analyzed by using random block design and artificial measurement combined with computer image recognition technology. The results showed that the surface area, length and width of the grain of Longzi black highland barley could be increased by the treatment of each slow-release urea combined with fulvic acid, so as to increase the grain weight and the 1000-grain weight. The color change of the seeds was mainly at 14 d after anthesis, when the seeds began coloring, and the color deepened with the progress of filling. At 28 d after anthesis, the seed embryos began coloring, until the maturity stage, the whole seeds were colored, and the color reached the deepest. The maximum filling rate (Rmax), the gradual filling rate (R1) and the rapid filling rate (R2) were positively correlated with the 1000-grain weight. There was a significant positive correlation between filling rate (R3) and 1000-grain weight at slow growth stage. Increasing filling rate and extending filling duration was an effective measure to increase the yield of black highland barley. Slow-release urea combined with fulvic acid improved the grain filling capacity and 1000-grain weight of black barley.

Key words: Slow-release urea, Fulvic acid, Longzi black highland barley, Grain filling characteristics



Application ratio
fertilizer dosage
Fulvic acid
CK 不施尿素 0 0
N1 100%常规施氮 135 0
N2 80%常规施氮 108 0
N3 100%缓释尿素 135 0
N4 80%缓释尿素 108 0
N5 100%常规施氮+黄腐酸 135 45
N6 80%常规施氮+黄腐酸 108 45
N7 100%缓释尿素+黄腐酸 135 45
N8 80%缓释尿素+黄腐酸 108 45



处理Treatment 籽粒面积Grain area (mm2) 粒长Grain length (mm) 粒宽Grain width (mm) 千粒重1000-grain weight (g)
CK 7.51±0.04i 5.63±0.42i 1.89±0.10i 3.52±0.41bc
N1 10.10±0.21c 6.72±0.35d 2.11±0.08c 4.14±0.12ab
N2 8.78±0.75g 6.37±0.81g 1.90±0.28h 3.32±0.51c
N3 8.96±1.01f 6.57±0.25e 1.92±0.06g 3.83±0.37bc
N4 8.07±0.52h 5.99±0.56h 1.98±0.25d 3.56±0.25bc
N5 9.17±0.21e 6.55±0.31f 1.97±0.23e 4.21±0.55ab
N6 9.45±0.55d 6.77±0.30c 1.95±0.05f 4.03±0.26bc
N7 11.87±0.35a 7.02±0.70a 2.33±0.30a 4.84±0.77a
N8 10.24±0.28b 6.84±0.09b 2.21±0.23b 4.15±0.39ab



性状Trait 千粒重1000-grain weight 籽粒面积Grain area 粒长Grain length 粒宽Grain width 长宽比Length-width ratio
千粒重1000-grain weight 1.00 0.89** 0.78** 0.83** 0.42
籽粒面积Grain area 0.89** 1.00 0.90** 0.89** 0.47
粒长Grain length 0.78** 0.90** 1.00 0.68* 0.74*
粒宽Grain width 0.83** 0.89** 0.68* 1.00 0.06
长宽比Length-width ratio 0.42 0.47 0.74* 0.06 1.00





Simulation equation
Equation determination coefficient
CK Y=39.08/(1+47.56e-0.22T) 0.999 0.997 0.994
N1 Y=41.50/(1+42.60e-0.21T) 0.999 0.998 0.995
N2 Y=40.22/(1+41.97e-0.21T) 0.995 0.998 0.994
N3 Y=42.64/(1+44.40e-0.22T) 0.995 0.996 0.990
N4 Y=42.03/(1+42.80e-0.21T) 0.995 0.996 0.992
N5 Y=42.99/(1+47.69e-0.22T) 0.995 0.995 0.998
N6 Y=42.36/(1+43.50e-0.21T) 0.995 0.995 0.990
N7 Y=44.48/(1+51.04e-0.23T) 0.995 0.994 0.986
N8 Y=44.02/(1+48.01e-0.22T) 0.995 0.995 0.989


不同尿素配施黄腐酸对黑青稞千粒重的影响 不同小写字母表示在0.05水平上差异显著。



Simulation equation
Theoretical 1000-grain weight (g)
Actual 1000-grain weight (g)
Decision coefficient
CK Y=39.08/(1+47.56e-0.22T) 39.08 39.17 0.999
N1 Y=41.50/(1+42.60e-0.21T) 41.50 41.36 0.999
N2 Y=40.22/(1+41.97e-0.21T) 40.22 40.38 0.995
N3 Y=42.64/(1+44.40e-0.22T) 42.65 43.06 0.995
N4 Y=42.03/(1+42.80e-0.21T) 42.03 42.20 0.995
N5 Y=42.99/(1+47.69e-0.22T) 42.99 43.42 0.995
N6 Y=42.36/(1+43.50e-0.21T) 42.36 42.64 0.995
N7 Y=44.48/(1+51.04e-0.23T) 44.68 45.30 0.995
N8 Y=44.02/(1+48.01e-0.22T) 44.02 44.47 0.995



CK 2.13 17.69 11.65 23.72 38.73 11.65 12.06 15.01 0.71 1.89 0.51
N1 2.22 17.52 11.37 23.67 38.97 11.37 12.30 15.31 0.77 2.02 0.49
N2 2.10 17.91 11.60 24.22 39.92 11.60 12.62 15.71 0.73 1.97 0.42
N3 2.31 17.53 11.44 23.61 38.76 11.44 12.17 15.15 0.79 2.07 0.53
N4 2.21 17.89 11.62 24.16 39.78 11.62 12.54 15.61 0.76 2.06 0.45
N5 2.39 17.35 11.44 23.26 37.97 11.43 11.82 14.71 0.79 2.06 0.62
N6 2.22 18.02 11.73 24.32 39.98 11.73 12.58 15.66 0.76 2.09 0.45
N7 2.55 17.23 11.46 23.00 37.36 11.46 11.54 14.36 0.82 2.11 0.72
N8 2.38 17.92 11.83 24.02 39.20 11.83 12.19 15.18 0.79 2.14 0.54



指标Index Y Rmax Tmax T1 T2 T3 Ta Tb Tc R1 R2 R3
Y 0.92** -0.35 -0.03 -0.42 -0.47 -0.03 -0.50 -0.50 0.95** 0.94** 0.68*
Rmax 0.92** -0.65* -0.23 -0.73* -0.77** -0.23 -0.80** -0.80** 0.93** 0.75* 0.91**
Tmax -0.35 -0.65* 0.81** 0.98** 0.94** 0.81** 0.87** 0.87** -0.56 -0.09 -0.83**
T1 -0.03 -0.23 0.81** 0.68* 0.55 1.00** 0.41 0.41 -0.33 0.10 -0.38
T2 -0.42 -0.73* 0.98** 0.68* 0.99** 0.68* 0.95** 0.95** -0.59 -0.13 -0.91**
T3 -0.47 -0.77** 0.94** 0.55 0.99** 0.55 0.99** 0.99** -0.59 -0.17 -0.95**
Ta -0.03 -0.23 0.81** 1.00** 0.68* 0.55 0.41 0.41 -0.33 0.10 -0.38
Tb -0.50 -0.80** 0.87** 0.41 0.95** 0.99** 0.41 1.00** -0.58 -0.20 -0.97**
Tc -0.50 -0.80** 0.87** 0.41 0.95** 0.99** 0.41 1.00** -0.58 -0.20 -0.97**
R1 0.95** 0.93** -0.56 -0.33 -0.59 -0.59 -0.33 -0.58 -0.58 0.87** 0.73*
R2 0.94** 0.75* -0.09 0.10 -0.13 -0.17 0.10 -0.20 -0.20 0.87** 0.40
R3 0.68* 0.91** -0.83** -0.38 -0.91** -0.95** -0.38 -0.97** -0.97** 0.73* 0.40
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