Crops ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 86-92.doi: 10.16035/j.issn.1001-7283.2016.04.014

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Investigation on Faba Bean Germplasm Resistance to Callosobruchus chinensis L.

Zhang Hongyan1,Yang Tao1,Guan Jianping1,Yang Shenghua2,Fang Li1,Du Mengying1,Zong Xuxiao1   

  1. 1 Institute of Crop Sciences,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
    2 Linxia Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Linxia 731100,Gansu,China
  • Received:2016-04-07 Revised:2016-07-12 Online:2016-08-15 Published:2018-08-26
  • Contact: Xuxiao Zong


Callosobruchus chinensis L., a post harvesting storage pest,often causes heavy losses and quality damages during the faba bean storage process, which severely limited the industrial development of faba bean.Breeding and utilization of resistant varieties is the most safe and effective way to prevent and control the damage of Callosobruchus chinensis L. to faba bean. Five hundred accessions of faba bean genetic resources were thoroughly infected by feeding Callosobruchus chinensis L. which continued for two years at room temperature in order to evaluate their resistance. The results showed that the average puncture hole numbers (0.92±0.59) per seed of each accession from spring sowing area was significantly (P<0.05) lower than that (1.05±0.42) from autumn sowing area.The average puncture hole numbers (1.30±0.62) per seed of each genotype of cyan (green, light green, milky) group was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that (0.85±0.43) of dark (purple,black, brown, flesh red) group.Based on their resistance ability of 500 faba bean accessions,five geographic related subgroups could be defined according to cluster analysis of Structure and MEGA softwares.The faba bean accessions,H0048, H0092, H0094, H001455, H001471 and H001787 had been screened out for their high resistance to Callosobruchus chinensis L..

Key words: Faba bean, Genetic resources, Callosobruchus chinensis L, Bruchid-resistant screening, Bruchid-resistant genotypes

Table 1

Evaluation criteria of resistance to Callosobruchus chinensis L."

Level of resistance
Resistance evaluation
Infection rate
0 免疫(I) 0
1 高抗(HR) 0.1~10.0
3 抗(R) 10.1~30.0
5 中抗(MR) 30.1~50.0
7 中感(MS) 50.1~70.0
9 感(S) 70.1~90.0
11 高感(HS) >90.0


The resistance of faba bean from different area to Callosobruchus chinensis L."

Table 2

Infected faba bean with different colors by Callosobruchus chinensis L."

Seed color
Number of materials
The average puncture hole numbers per seed
青绿色 178 1.30±0.62a
深色 322 0.85±0.43b


The resistance of faba bean with different colors to Callosobruchus chinensis L."

Table 3

Infected faba bean from different areas by Callosobruchus chinensis L."

Number of materials
The average puncture hole numbers per seed
秋播 341 1.05±0.42a
春播 159 0.92±0.59b


Population structure of faba bean using Structure"

Table 4

Population structure of faba bean by using Structure"

来源Origin 亚群ⅠSubgroupⅠ 亚群ⅡSubgroupⅡ 亚群ⅢSubgroupⅢ 亚群ⅣSubgroupⅣ 亚群ⅤSubgroupⅤ
安徽Anhui 7 - - - 2
上海Shanghai - - - - 1
福建Fujian - - - 1 -
甘肃Gansu - 13 5 9 8
贵州Guizhou 1 15 6 8 1
河北Hebei 5 - - - 2
湖北Hubei 4 27 6 7 3
湖南Hunan 1 1 - - -
江苏Jiangsu 31 5 3 8 16
内蒙古Inner Mongolia 6 2 16 5 9
宁夏Ningxia - - - - 1
青海Qinghai - 2 8 3 4
山西Shanxi 3 18 7 9 -
陕西Shaanxi - 5 1 2 1
四川Sichuan 9 4 4 1 5
新疆Xinjiang 1 1 4 4 5
云南Yunnan 30 12 23 10 14
浙江Zhejiang 27 5 8 11 22
重庆Chongqing - - - - 2
合计Total 125 110 91 78 96


Dendrogram of provincial group of the faba bean accessions"

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